****HOOOWWOOOooooo**** ~ Awesome Coyote RP ~

"Thank you as well, Alpha," he said a quick prayer then dug into the meat.
"Wow, this is quite the kill."
Fenrir walked over and started eating, "You may eat with me," he said to Loki, then he threw a piece over to Orchid, "Good job on the hunt, you deserve this."

Orchid was overjoyed to have praise from the Alpha and took the piece gratefully. She bowed and retreated.
Scar and Aspen walk around and noticed alpha eating a buck (deer?), " Hey alpha "scar said bowing " I was about to ask if I could hunt but clearly there's no need to " scar says respectfully " where is angel ?, Shouldn't she be eating ?" Scar asks trying to be as respectful as possible
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Emira set her two kills next to each other before watching Morrigan engage in her last kill, hearing the rabbit screech before the life was snapped out of it. “Wow” she said, her breath taken away as she watched Morrigan with amazement. She smiled brightly, “Yeah”
Morrigan grinned, looking at Emira's kills. "Good work," she said, nodding her head towards the two rabbits. She met Emira's gaze, watching the breathless coyote for a brief moment, before collecting her rabbits. With how many they caught, they would surely be allowed to eat. "We should get these back, hopefully the other hunting parties got enough that we'll be able to eat as well," she told her, voice slightly muffled by the rabbits scruff.

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