****HOOOWWOOOooooo**** ~ Awesome Coyote RP ~

Fenrir reached the jugular and felt it break in his jaws, he felt the blood run through his mouth and knew the bear was done for. He leapt off as the bear started falling forward. He saw the others do the same. "Well done everyone! We took down the grizzly!" His fur was soaked in blood since he had severed the jugular but he didn't care, he was glad this bear was not going to cause any more harm.
Orchid was ecstatic. She was jumping around and everything. She joined in the victory howl when Fenrir stood atop the bear and howled a howl of victory.

Wepwawet was actually smiling, which he had not done in a very long time so it looked a little off but it was a smile just the same.
Fenrir reached the jugular and felt it break in his jaws, he felt the blood run through his mouth and knew the bear was done for. He leapt off as the bear started falling forward. He saw the others do the same. "Well done everyone! We took down the grizzly!" His fur was soaked in blood since he had severed the jugular but he didn't care, he was glad this bear was not going to cause any more harm.
Scar saw the alpha howling in victory and joined in !
Now we must take it back to camp," Fenrir said and he grabbed a paw. Orchid was too small to do much so she grabbed an ear just to feel helpful. Wepwawet grabbed a foot and Kiro did the same.
Once they had brought the bear to camp Fenrir set to work, he stripped the skin off the leg and nawed the leg off. It was massive but he managed to get it back to his den, he set it down and made his way back to the carcass. "BETAS!!" he called, "Come eat! And if you don't then it is the mid ranker's turn!"
Seeing no one was showing up he turned to the other coyote's, "You may eat," then he looked at Orchid, "I know your only and Omega but you did good on the hunt so you may eat as well." Then he trotted back to his den and ate some of what he had taken for himself. He left some for his mate, Angel and fell asleep.
Once they had brought the bear to camp Fenrir set to work, he stripped the skin off the leg and nawed the leg off. It was massive but he managed to get it back to his den, he set it down and made his way back to the carcass. "BETAS!!" he called, "Come eat! And if you don't then it is the mid ranker's turn!"
Seeing no one was showing up he turned to the other coyote's, "You may eat," then he looked at Orchid, "I know your only and Omega but you did good on the hunt so you may eat as well." Then he trotted back to his den and ate some of what he had taken for himself. He left some for his mate, Angel and fell asleep.
"Thank you alpha !" Scar says and went to eating the ribs, he took a set of ribs to his den and ripped a large amount off for Aspen
Once they had brought the bear to camp Fenrir set to work, he stripped the skin off the leg and nawed the leg off. It was massive but he managed to get it back to his den, he set it down and made his way back to the carcass. "BETAS!!" he called, "Come eat! And if you don't then it is the mid ranker's turn!"
Seeing no one was showing up he turned to the other coyote's, "You may eat," then he looked at Orchid, "I know your only and Omega but you did good on the hunt so you may eat as well." Then he trotted back to his den and ate some of what he had taken for himself. He left some for his mate, Angel and fell asleep.
Clover heard that it was time to eat and ran to the food pile to see what was hunted. When Clover saw it was a bear she took a step back and whimpered.
Emira nodded, copying her movements and snatching both of her lifeless rabbits into her jaws. She wanted to laugh from how she was barely able to make out what Morrigan said through the mouthful of fur. It sounded silly, and if she tried herself, she’d be as muffled as Morrigan. She started into a trot back to camp, feeling proud she and Morrigan were successful.
Morrigan trotted after her, entering camp with her head held high. She had been proud of what they had achieved with only the two of them, but of course, the rest of the pack had to go and one up them. She stopped dead when she saw what remained of a bear beside the prey pile, a low growl rising in her throat. Despite that, she still decided to have the nerve to walk past the beta's and high rankers with her head and tail held high. It was dare, to see what they would do, testing her limits to see how far she could get without correction. She dropped her rabbits on the pile, watching the betas carefully.

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