****HOOOWWOOOooooo**** ~ Awesome Coyote RP ~

Morrigan noticed a confrontation going on, and got up from where she had been laying. She approached the two, head held high. She had never met them before, it wasn't like they could tell she was a lower ranker and they might not question it. "Is there a problem?"

"Ha, you are you do step in like that?"
"Apperantly" scar says " amber ,
orchid what are you you two thinking?!?" Scar asks sternly
Amber rolled her eyes. “Well, get this. Someone heartlessly killed a bear, leaving her cubs to die. I guess you can also heartlessly kill the cubs, but you’re going to have to kill me first.” She grinned. “And by then, you yourself will be dead.”
Amber rolled her eyes. “Well, get this. Someone heartlessly killed a bear, leaving her cubs to die. I guess you can also heartlessly kill the cubs, but you’re going to have to kill me first.” She grinned. “And by then, you yourself will be dead.”
"Amber I wouldn't kill those cubs and you know it !" " And I wasn't heartless , I didn't want to kill the bear ! Alpha made us do it !" Scar says defensively

( Goodbye ! (Going to church ). )
Amber rolled her eyes. “Well, get this. Someone heartlessly killed a bear, leaving her cubs to die. I guess you can also heartlessly kill the cubs, but you’re going to have to kill me first.” She grinned. “And by then, you yourself will be dead.”
"Those are Blossom's cubs!?" Clover said. She started talking to the cubs in bear language
"Amber I wouldn't kill those cubs and you know it !" " And I wasn't heartless , I didn't want to kill the bear ! Alpha made us do it !" Scar says defensively

( Goodbye ! (Going to church ). )
“Well, you’re a coward, then.” Amber snapped back harshly. “What Alpha says means nothing. You should have stood up to him, if you didn’t want to.”
"Does it matter?" Morrigan growled, stepping towards the smaller coyote. She could easily beat her if it came down to it.

Ruby growled back. "I suspect your a lower mid-ranker too!" She snapped. "ALPHA! We need you over here. This stupid coyote won't respect ranks!"

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