My 85 year old grandpa has 72 acres and he rents out the fields to the farmers since he doesnt farm anymore and the fields around us have beans and they said if it doesn't rain soon they are going to have a total loss and that sad part is, this is the second planting as they planted earlier when it got warm right after winter and then we got a bad frost which killed the plants. They have crop insurance thank goodness. I want my green grass back. I hate driving and seeing brown grass everywhere.
I know a lot of people needing rain. My father-in-law raises sweet corn. I know if we don't get rain soon he won't get a lot of sell. I am not looking forward to the end of this week.
I am not looking forward to the triple digit heat later this week either. I am going to turn my misters on my chickens again as I did sunday. My LF cochins and silkies do not do well in this high temps.
I have two fans in the coops and I put my sprinkler on mist and put it by the coop and runs. Going to freeze some water in milk jugs and two liter bottles and put them in with the birds thursday and friday along with the misters. My layers free range during the day and stay in the edge of the woods when it's hot so they are good. Everyone stay cool later this week. I am going to pray so hard for more rain .
looking at the forecast we are in for a very hot week ahead. todays forcasted high is 81.. tomorrow 93.. thursday 108.. friday 106.. and saturday 102...

we have already lost our showgirl rooster due to heat this year and that was mid 90's we have taken percautions since but i feel we need to take more drastic percautions over the next few days. we will be bringing our chicks inside through this seeing we have a very small flock. 2 silkies (4 months old), 1 turken (2 months old) and 2 marans (6 weeks old). we also have 7 2 week old silkies but they are already inside. i don't think the dogs will mind letting the chickens barrow their crates for a few days.

hope everyone makes it through this heat with no losses.
One of the big problems with the crops, even the ones that don't look bad, is pollination. Some are tasseling too early and even if they are tasseling at the right time, the lack of rain will seriously hinder pollination. Corn can't even be chopped right now for feed, as it's too high in nitrates at this point in its development, so by the time the nitrate levels are down there will probably be nothing left to chop.
all of this equals higher food and gas prices again. Which means feed for our chickens wll go up. I have been using more feed because my birds free range during the day and they are not finding the bugs and grass to eat so they are consuming more feed. I have mine on high protien because they are not eating as much because of the heat and they need as much protien as possible. I have them on gamebird feed and right before lock up I give them a little bit of cracked corn.

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