Hoover hatchery? Any good?

Out of 2 RIR and 4 of their Americana aka EE variety one Americana has a deformed wing and another has cross beak or scissor beak. Sent them and e-mail and they never responded. I am not sure the scissor beak one will live long. At two weeks she is keeping up, but I am feeding her a mash of chick starter and water three times a day. It is a severe case that gets worse by the day. If she stops gaining I'll have to have someone cull her. I just can't do it myself. In my limited experience I would stay away from their cross breed Americanas.
I ordered 31 chicks from through e-fowl who goes through Hoovers. It was a mix of Black Australorps, Buff Orpingtons, Easter Eggers and Barred Rocks. They arrived the day after they shipped which was great. One was not doing well right off the batt but everyone was alive. That one passed away that night and four others passed as well within a couple of days. We were going through a cold snap in WY so I am not sure if that was part of the reason we lost some or if they were just weak birds. We got them under the heat lamp right away with food and water. The weak looking ones were fed electrolytes with an eyedropper. I had fantastic customer service through e-fowl who refunded my money right away and were very nice about the whole thing. For my second batch of chickens I ordered a few Welsummers and Broilers directly through Hoovers. They haven't arrived yet but I'm hoping for the best. I did contact their customer service to ask about extras because we lost 20% the last time we got chicks through them and they said they would - who knows if they will though... I had asked them what they did with their extra roosters and they said they typically gave them away. I said I would happily take some if they wanted to throw them in the box with my order I had paid for and I would raise them as meat birds. That person was very friendly and asked how many I would take. I said 25 and she said fine and that when the order came through, she'd add it in as a note. I called back about a week before my order was supposed to ship to confirm and got someone else who all but yelled at me saying they never gave away anything... It was an odd experience. The chicks who are alive all seem healthy and have taken to being tamed well. One of the easter eggers will even jump into my hand when I put it into the brooder. I'm hoping for the best with this next batch.
We received all the chicks alive after many headaches and inconveniences, but the customer service is terrible!
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We received all the chicks alive after many headaches and inconveniences, but the customer service is terrible!
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I just a order with them. Someone called to ask if they could replace some buff Orpington with golden nuggets since they will be out of buffs until spring. They let me know about golden nuggets and were really friendly.

They shipped today so I am hoping for the best. I ordered through purelypoultry so I have heard the good and bad about both. The lady that called was really nice even though she was busy.
I work at Tsc in South Dakota and that is where we get all of our chicks from during our chick days. That is where all my chicks are from and haven't had a problem with survival from chick stage

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