Hoping for a few hens for next year.


10 Years
Apr 20, 2013
NE Ohio
I am going to be planning things out so we can have a small flock 2-4 hens next spring.

We can't afford a coop right now and my hubby is handyman challenged. Plus maybe our one nutter dog will settle down a bit between now and then.

My daughter with down syndrome loves chickens so this is mostly for her. Hopefully turning into a 4-H project in the future. I also really want chickens too. My teen said he will never have friends over again if we get chickens. Good thing he doesn't have many friends over now.

I am looking forward to learning and getting tips as we move along toward having some hens.

Hello and welcome from Ohio.....so glad you joined BYC

Thats funny about your teenager :) You watch. I bet he loves them just as much. Chickens are so cute they are hard to resist

Good luck and hoping you are sharing pictures of your new flock in the spring
Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan

That is a strange kind of blackmail, it sounds kind of desireable

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