Hoping you can help, my chicken is sick.


Jul 8, 2016
I have a six week old Ameraucana and she is acting sick. Last night, when I put them to bed, all the chicks looked and acted fine. This morning my Ameraucana "Cleo" is lethargic, not eating or drinking, and warm to the touch. None of the other chicks seem to be affected. I'm a first time chicken mom so this is all new to me. Any advice on what to do?
Welcome to BYC. Make sure that she gets some water with electrolytes or SaveAChick. At 6 weeks old, coccidiosis is common. Symptoms are lethargy, puffed up or hunched posture, not eating. ruffled feathers and runny poops with or without blood. Corid is the treatemtn used in the water for 5 days. Here is a link about it: http://www.the-chicken-chick.com/2012/12/coccidiosis-what-backyard-chicken.html
Thanks so much for the advice. Each chicken that got sick (yes, it spread) got hand fed sugar water every 15 minutes until they rallied enough to drink on their own and then they had water treated with Corid. It looks like everyone is going to live :)

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