Horizon's End: A Wolf Story based on RWTP

Soon :D

Unfortunately, yes. But the taiga might not be dead just yet.
Soon :D

Unfortunately, yes. But the taiga might not be dead just yet.

These stories cretainly do seem to keep it alive.
Why did orps leave, and then return to leave again?
Well, lets face it. RPs can be more than a bit demanding at times. She may very well come back, but I'm not gonna get my hopes up. She posted on her Fictionpress account a couple days ago.
Chapter 11

Faedon surged across the battlefield. Her heart was hammering a mile a minute in her chest, and adrenaline was surging through her blood. Her mind was a blur, and was focused around a single thing: Combat. The roar of battle in the clearing was deafening as snarls ripped the air and snapping jaws echoed, but surprisingly enough, Faedon didn't really notice that. In her scope of vision, which had tunneled, she could see Quartz and Nebrivo charge into the battlefield, and then Akira broadside them and bowl both of them over. Nighta was locked into battle with Thunder, and Ash was sizing up Ebony. Luna was choking Rain by the way she had a grip on her throat, and Nike came crashing into Luna to get her to release his mother; but the young, untrained wolf stood no chance against the much stronger, trained daughter of Darkpack's alphas.

Faedon swallowed hard, and she fought against a sinking feeling in her chest. This is a losing battle. At this rate... Although they were not physically outnumbered by the number of wolves, they were outnumbered in terms of wolves who were strong enough to fend them off. The wolves of Darkpack trained rigorously for battle, and although Senkah did not tolerate laziness, some wolves of Stonepack had a hard time just moving quickly.

Faedon bit her lip, and hardened her eyes. I can't freak out... I'll lose focus. Her mind was still whirling, but she charged off into the battle, her paws flying across the ground. Her eyes fell upon a tan she-wolf, who Faedon didn't recognize. Faedon didn't have time to smell the air and see if she was from Darkpack, and frankly, she didn't care if she was from Darkpack or not. All she knew was that she wasn't from Stonepack, and because of that, she was an enemy in this battle. With a roar, she crashed into her side.

The strange she-wolf snarled in surprise and was bowled over. Faedon stumbled and tried to catch herself before she fell, too, before the she-wolf surged back to her paws. Faedon tried to leap back in time, but the she-wolf's fangs grazed her jaw and tore open a nasty slash. Faedon resisted the urge to yelp, and snapped back at the she-wolf's face; she smirked in satisfaction as she saw two slashes open up above the she-wolf's golden eyes. She swiped a paw around Faedon's shoulder, and started to shove her into the ground; Faedon tried to resist, but the Darkpack she-wolf was just too strong for her. Faedon realized a little too late that the only way she could win this fight was with her speed, not her strength.

Faedon wheezed and gasped for air under the she-wolf's weight. Instinctively, she kicked out with her hind legs, but that was futile; this she-wolf was stronger and heavier than she was. Faedon knew she was vulnerable, and she had to think fast, or her life would be over within a few minutes at most. She snapped up at the she-wolf, aiming for her throat, but grabbed her muzzle instead. She growled and tried to yank back, but Faedon kept an iron grip for her life. As she bit down harder and harder around the she-wolf's nose, Faedon could see in the she-wolf's eyes that this was very painful, and that she was starting to give. Faedon yanked backwards suddenly and harshly, and the she-wolf let out a strangled cry of pain as she flew back from her own inertia. Knowing that she had mere seconds to get away, Faedon scrambled to her paws and aimed a hard blow at the she-wolf's head with her paw.

As Faedon's paw smacked across her injured nose, the she-wolf let out an ear-piercing yelp and stumbled back. She flinched, and Faedon realized something: Out of instinct, this she-wolf was cowering from her, if even for just a split second. "Run, if you know what's good for you," Faedon hissed. The she-wolf, who was either in a daze of pain, survival mode, or both, didn't even bother to nod; she just turned and bolted away, disappearing into the battlefield.

Her sides heaving as she caught her breath, the red and white she-wolf observed the battlefield with a sinking heart in her chest. Oh no... Although Stonepack was fighting back hard, this battle was becoming very gruesome. It was becoming increasingly apparent that not every wolf who had entered this battle was going to walk away with their life.

She felt a wave of rage nearly consume her for a minute as she thought about Sierra, and her affair with Timber. That IDIOT! If she hadn't been so selfish, none of this would be happening! This is all her fault! Her eyes scanned the battlefield again, biting her lip at what she saw.

Ash, for being an elder, was fighting Ebony surprisingly well, but that was probably the most optimistic looking fight happening right now. Zero was fighting as best as she could against Reed and Moonsky. Thunder was holding his own against Nighta, but both males were starting to get noticably tired, and the fight had to end soon. Luna was tossing and kicking Nike around like a ragdoll, and nearby, a bloodied, barely conscious Rain lay on the ground. Faedon felt a surge of worry that she was dead, or dying. Quartz had lost miserably in her fight against Akira; her throat was torn open, and she was barely able to move. Nebrivo was giving his all against Akira, but being much smaller than her and having visionary issues, it was clear that he wasn't going to do much; besides, what good would it do if Quartz died? The thought of a wolf that Faedon had grown up with dying just like that in battle made her feel sick.

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a white shape, standing at the edge of the clearing and not knowing what to do. Faedon's eyes narrowed to critical emerald slits, and she started to storm over, when Hades got there before her. "Why are you just standing around?!" he barked furiously at Sierra. "Your family and your pack are fighting with all the strength they have out here, in a battle that YOU started, and you just sit around watching?!"

Sierra flinched, and wilted under Hades' furious yellow gaze. "I just... I didn't know what to do," she murmured timidly.

"Quit being such a coward and get your tail out here and fight!" Hades growled. Timidly, Sierra took a few tentative steps towards the battle. "I said get out there!" Hades snapped his jaws at her tail, purposely missing, as a warning. Sierra tucked her tail and scrambled out into the clearing.

Serves her right. Faedon narrowed her eyes after Sierra's form. She watched as Hades returned to the battle, and Faedon trotted out after Sierra. I trust her about as far as I could throw her now, especially with Timber on the battlefield.

Before Faedon knew it, she saw a white blur go crashing into the massive silver-gray and white form of Kodiak. Faedon's jaw dropped, I can't tell if she's brave or stupid... probably both. Kodiak was nearly two times Sierra's size, and crashing into him was like crashing into a brick wall.

Kodiak snarled furiously as Sierra made him stumble to the side just a bit; Sierra was probably wounded more by that than Kodiak. She dove for Kodiak's chest, and punched out with her paws as she snapped wildly. Kodiak snarled and wheeled around; he was slower than usual, because of his sheer size, but he was fast enough to catch Sierra. She screamed as he set his jaws onto her neck, and sank his fangs into her throat. She kicked desperately, and squirmed wildly in her futile attempts to get away. "Please!" she pleaded desperately with a wheeze. "Let me go!"

"Ha! You should have fled if you didn't want to die, you cowardly Stonepack mouse." Kodiak bit down harder, digging his fangs further into Sierra's throat. She wheezed desperately, her limbs rigid as she pleaded with her eyes for him to let her go.

Faedon could only watch all of this with horror. She was scared, but that wasn't why she was frozen; she couldn't believe what she was witnessing. She wanted to charge out into the battlefield and save Sierra herself, but she couldn't even coax her legs to move... Oh, how she wanted to save Sierra...

But someone else did.

"Let her go!"

A dark brown streak surged across the battlefield and weaved through the groups of snarling and fighting wolves. Timber! He sank to the ground in front of Kodiak, and pleaded desperately with his yellow eyes to the alpha of Darkpack.

"Timber." Kodiak's growl rumbled like low thunder, although it was muffled by Sierra's fur. "Get out there and fight, and maybe we'll let you come back to Darkpack."

"Kodiak, please." Timber's voice was desperate and pleading. "I beg you, please let her go. You've defeated her alre-."

"SHUT UP TIMBER!" Kodiak roared with the fury of a fierce blizzard. "You are in no place to be making orders to me, you disgusting excuse of a wolf!"

Timber cringed, and cowered back down to the ground. A single tear escaped his eye... was he crying..? Kodiak opened his jaws to sneer something down at him, when...


And with a furious roar, Timber lunged for Kodiak. Kodiak wheeled around, and gave Timber a hard kick with his back leg, like a horse. The kick hit Timber's throat, and choking, he fell back. Slowly, yet frighteningly, Kodiak turned back around to face Timber. He tossed Sierra, who was now unconscious from either blood loss, a lack of oxygen, or most likely both, aside. The narrowed stare he gave Timber was so terrifying, it could instill fear into the bravest of souls.

And then, he lunged.

Timber roared as Kodiak's powerful jaws locked around his throat. Kodiak's long fangs sank into his throat, and Timber wheezed, squirming instinctively in a futile attempt to escape Kodiak's iron grip. "No traitor can go unpunished," Kodiak growled through Timber's fur. "You just had to learn the hard way what happens when you betray Darkpack." A glimmer of fear broke through Timber's defiant gaze for just a second.

But a second was all Kodiak needed.

A deafening scream split the air, followed by a silent, yet earsplitting and sickening crack... and then eerie silence spread across the clearing.

Timber was dead.
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I wanna kick Kodiak to the moon!
. How dare he! He can't stop love!
Killing off Timber was sad... really sad.
But, somebody had to die... and unfortunately, he was the most viable and unlucky candidate.

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