Horizontal Nipple Waterers... in your opinion, yes or no?

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I use nipple waterer for chicks straight from the hatchery with no problem. When I get them out of the shipping crate first thing I do one at at time is get their beaks to poke the nipple. Never had an issue. (of course I there is occasionally one or two lost birds the first week but doubt that was lack of water just normal attrition after the shipping journey.)
Horizontal or Vertical Nipples @UncleDako ?
l’ll definitely think about it! I think it’s a great idea, I’ve recently not only seen rats, but also squirrels eating from their current feeder, and hanging their regular feeder didn’t fix the problem. I’ll see if I can convince my sister (who shares the flock) that it’s a good idea.
Good luck!!! Enjoy your flick 😁
P.S. Don't try to hang a horizontal nipple waterer. It works better if it can't swing when they trigger the nipples.

P.P.S. Make sure to put a small air hole in the waterer just under the rim to break the vaccuum or the water won't flow out when the nipple is pressed.

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So you would not recommend hanging HN waterers… what about the HNWs with cups? How do those compare in general with the plain HNs? I heard that the systems are slightly different and not to mix them ..
Hi there- off topic, but you mentioned rats- have you tried a Grandpa’s feeder? It took my girls a little while to figure it out but now that they have, their food is in a rodent-proof bin. I highly recommend these feeders. I can put a whole bag of feed into it, and it keeps the feed dry and I’m no longer feeding mice and chippies!

I am curious about these. Why can’t other animals figure out how this feeder works? Also, do you keep it strictly outside? What do you do in the winter?

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