Hormonal girls?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 30, 2013
My 17 week old girls are suddenly very fiesty. They are also getting very vocal! Is this a sign I might get eggs soon? They are like a bunch of women with PMT! I'm a first timer with chickens, having had these girls from 8 weeks old (so it's all very new!)
Could be if their combs are getting real red, mine started at 18 weeks, it could be the colder temps now are starting to make them feel frisky.
What is the color of their combs and wattles? If they have started to ovulate the comb and wattles will turn a vibrant red. Sort of natures way of alerting the Rooster that they need some attention. That is most likely the best way to know if they are about to lay. You may notice some nesting or squatting behaviors and you may even hear a little egg song.
Hi! Two of them have red combs and wattles...the other three are still pink and funnily enough it's the two whose are red that are the noisiest and pecky! I will keep you posted. Thanks.
Well, one of the girls who has a very red comb and wattle greeted me with cock a doodle doo this morning!! Absolutely unmistakably!! We're very surprised, and now know she won't be laying eggs anytime soon!!
I have my suspicions too! They both fight like mad....together! Maybe we will hear the other one crowing soon!
Time to make soup...

Guess what? The other one went cock a doodle doo this morning!! Well done aart: you were right!!

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