Horny Hen?


5 Years
Oct 12, 2014
North Mississippi
Hello all. I have an Old English Game Hen (I think) & lately she's been staying in one particular nest box. (The one with a fake egg.) When I force her out she terrorizes the newest hen. The odd thing is she's all fluffed out in the box and - because I was thinking she might be egg-bound - seems to get off on me feeling her rump/squeezing the base of her tail!!
Anybody have any ideas what's going on with her?

These are my first chickens ever. I got them in the Spring. I only recently started getting an egg a day - whether from her or my Barred Rock, idk, but now all egg production has ceased.
She's gone broody on you. She is having a hormonal shift which is causing her to want to hatch out eggs. As the hormones surge she may start shrieking at you when you go near her nest box, she will fluff out her feathers, and might even growl at you!

Unless you intend to hatch out chicks (in which case, you should give her some fertilised eggs to sit on) you should probably break her broodiness. If you do a search on "How To Break A Broody Hen" you will get all the information you need.

- Krista

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