Horror movie Fanatic.... Never fear the remote to shut it off is here

The Myst was handled well. Though the ending was not the same as what the story had it shocked me so much that I have to admit it was the ending needed for the film. It just added a whole new level to the story that I didn't expect.
The myst haven't seen yet but saw previews, the one where there are ghost or something in the myst, Now the Fog, I like that movie, but sorta over shot the climax with the trying to run but always being found kinda of way
I heard about what they did with the ending, and that is why I didnt see it. I just thought that it took too much away from the whole story, and kinda robbed the whole suspense theme away, but then I am a purist,(and a bit of a snob when it comes to King stories) so I dont like it when they mess with stuff too much.
Well My eyes are closing as well, I am usually on BYC 24/7 well not all day, BUT Every day litterally lol, This was fun, I hope this thread keeps getting posts I like talking about Horror films with people like Ace_king_brahma its nice to watch em but more fun to talk about them. it is also nice to see other people that like scary movies on this forum! lol I shall talk to you all Later, Good night!
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