Horror movie Fanatic.... Never fear the remote to shut it off is here

The effects that creep me out the most are not gory....it's the ones that make the scary person/ ghost move really fast, like the face moving side to side so fast it blurs or walking without moving the legs like they're on an airport moving walkway. I can't recall the movie I saw that had all of that but talk about heebie jeebies lol
Special effects get better every decade and I love when you see monsters that look so real! I have always been addicted to creature features above all types of horror movies. But... sometimes the FX backfire when they concentrate so much on how things look that they pay little attention to the script.

You can do a good movie with bad fx to be honest. Jaws was scary when I saw it as a kid even though the shark didn't look so real (maybe when the movie first came out) and even with the dead give away music there was still suspense in the film.
Ooo I know what kind of effects your are talking about they can be kinda of creepy but yeah..

But I have to agree with Ace_King_Brahma the creature features are the best, but they will pay close attention to something and forget about another thing! but I do love the effects Kbarett is talking about!
K, I agree! They do that effect alot in movies nowadays, and it never fails to creeep me right out. But for creepiness, the scene from the Exorcist when that girl comes down the stairs, backwards and with her head all twisted around...ewwww!
Del Toro sure does make some creepy looking monsters, and the Pale monster from Pans is still my #1.
I saw the trailer for HB2 and saw a striking resemblance between some of the characters in it and PL. I would love to sit down with Del Toro and talk shop sometime, just to get a fix on where he comes up with some of his artistic ideas, and how he brings them to fruition without hollyweird killing them. His films are like a living Boris Vallejo or Frank Frazetta print.
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Doug Jones who plays the fuan and Pale Man has been in some of Del Toro's previous works inculding playing Abe of Hellboy 1 & 2. Most of Del Toro's creature features have Doug Jones playing a monster. He was also in Mimic as the creature.
on another note, have you seen the trailer for "Quarentine"? Looks pretty creepy and with all the claustrophobic jumpiness of "Descent"...another of my top 5 scariest movies.

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