Horror movie Fanatic.... Never fear the remote to shut it off is here

Phantasm scare the bejimmies out of me! An older movie that I thought was scary was, "Don't be afraid of the dark". I didn't like the ending to Jeepers Creepers. Maybe I didn't get it?? Keystonepaul
I heard about phantasm, haven't seen it yet, Don be afraid of the dark, it rings a bell I want to say I saw it but I can't I thought I have, but can't remember!!! I might be thinking about Fear of the dark! ..... hmmm
I am going to look for Dark Ride. I love horror movies but most have been disappointing.

I really like to read horror too. The books are so much better as getting me involved. I would love to meet Steven King.

The last movie that spooked me was The Mothman Prophecies. It was a horror but it was scary
Okay saw Dead Birds today. It finally came in from Amazon and I had to pop it in my player. It was creepy in some parts and an interesting ending but I found it average as far as horror movies go. I guess because due to the beginning I found little sympathy for the characters which might have taken some of the punch out of the horror and I was rooting for someo of their demises lol. Thanks Calamityjen for sugguesting it. It was fun to watch and happy to have it as part of my collection now.
My kids and I are really big horror movie fans; they are all in their 20’s now and gone from home but when they come to visit the one thing they always bring with them is the latest scary movie to watch with mom.

If I had to choose one horror movie that was my favorite of all time I would have to say IT. I have such fond memories of the kids and I bundling up together on the sofa and watching that movie with a huge bowl of popcorn.

It even scared our dog….when the kids were young we had this dog that was half German Shepard and half Boarder Collie. That dog was so smart I swear she understood every word you said. The kids could go get the movie IT out of the cabinet and put it in the VCR … The dog would recognize the movie theme song and go wedge herself under my son’s bed.…that evil clown scared her to death.
Ace, that under the bed scene was what got the biggest jump outta me. I felt sympathy for the characters as well, and the ending was a bit odd, but I have been disappointed soo many times by horror films lately, that I found the good jumps I got out of that one really cool.
Have you seen Hellboy 2 yet?? Not a pure horror movie, but as far as visual movies go, I cannot wait until the DVD comes out and I can spend time going through that troll market! I wont even go into the effect the Prince had on me
, but as grandma used to say,"Hubba hubba!"
Del Toro has done it again.

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