*Horse Alert* Any Silver Brumby fans out there?

Have you seen and/or read the silver brumby

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Why is this thing standing like a cat
Silvery mane?
I don’t know.

I haven’t finished the book series, so haven’t gotten to where he has any offspring.

But before he does, I’m kinda wondering is he’s supposed to be cremello, but in the movie adaption was presented as palomino.

I’ll have to finish the rest of the books series and see what offspring he produces to check that though.

Todays shower thought reminded me of a very important detail. The Great Yarraman (Thowra’s father) was a bay, so he is definitely a palomino. He is probably along the lighter side, similarly to how in chickens you get get a wide range of blue shades.
Still not silver.

Stupid horse movie getting it all wrong. Was the director colourblind?
I am now determined to never watch it. I struggle with watching things that have major incorrect details.
First of all, as the movie is based on and titled by a book by the same name it didn't get a thing wrong. It was presented exactly as Elynne Mitchell the author wanted it.

“Well maybe Thowra is out there tonight. He'd be in his element”, she smiled.

“Who’s Thowra?”

"He's the great silver brumby. Named for the wild wind which blew the night that he was born. I'm sure it's him."

"Well, I can't hear him."

“Well, close your eyes. Go on,” she asked smoothing the blankets.

She nodded and got comfortable.

"That's better. Now shut out all of the sounds and concentrate. Concentrate on the wind. Listen. Not for the sound of the wind, but what you hear on the wind. Listen closely." She smoothed her hair back and delicately caressed her face.

"There's been talk about Thowra for a long time now. Some say he lives. Some say he never existed. Some say he's a ghost. But always there are tales of the mighty wild stallion. The great palomino brumby. King of all the Cascade Brumbies," she paused. "Can you hear him?"

"I'm, I'm not sure", she said with uncertainty.

"Listen carefully. You'll hear him".

“It was on a night, very like this, not so very long ago. It was one of the wildest spring nights there has ever been. No possums stirred, no wombats left their holes. Only a few kangaroos, their last shelter destroyed, were braving the fury of the storm. And Belle Belle, a wild mountain brumby, both beautiful and wise, who was preparing to give birth to a foal. There was something exciting and mysterious in the wind. Something important was about to happen.

Thowra she named him. For Thowra means wind. She named him for the wild wind in which he was born. He was a creamy, much lighter than his mother. And as he grew to be a stallion, his hair and tail would glisten silver in the moonlight. Belle Belle knew that he would be a prize indeed and hunted all his life. HUnted for his silver mane and tail and his striking cream coat.

By morning, the storm had blown itself out and in the calm light of dawn, Belle Belle emerged from their shelter to coax her creamy foal into the vastness of his new world. A creamy, with a silver mane and tail. Thowra would not be able to hide in the grey-green of the forest like the brumbies. He would have to rely on his speed and cunning and all the knowledge and wisdom his mother could pass on to him.”

^ That is a link to the exact time stamp of that scene.

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