Horse mats for floor of coop?

Thanks Bruce! My husband is going to try to put wire mesh down on the floor and have it go up the sides then put the floor mats down. Old farm places are so cool! the house was built in 1910, and has so muxh character, updated mechanics but kept the great woodwork. cant wait to spend more time outsie exploring (we moved the end of november/snow. Bees sound interesting..LOVE HONEY!
Old farm places are so cool! the house was built in 1910, and has so much character, updated mechanics but kept the great woodwork.

Oh, you have a new house

Ha Bruce! Had a new house built 10in years ago...nice and shiny then last June we hit deer on motorcycle. Now living closer to family in this great place. I love it! Full of charm, and character! Plus my city kids will have a great experience. We are doing chickens and daughter want rabbits :)
My "soon to be 18 and off to college in the Fall" daughter wants us to get some horses. She said she'd ride them when she is home on breaks.

Yeah, right, like I need to feed a hay burner so she can show up once in a while and ride it. If we get anything, it will be fiber animals that at least give a LITTLE back for their keep.

Minnesota. I did have a friend offer a miniature donkey in the Spring? Have you ever seen one of those? So cute!! And they can't eat much more than a dog. Gonna have a hard time not attaching a bow to it's tail HA. We have a nice barn but not enough pasture for big animal. Big barn, house, machine shed, silo, and tree grove all on 2.75 acre. We would have to take out part of the tree grove. Although that might cut down on our raccoon population HA
Minnesota. ....... We have a nice barn but not enough pasture for big animal. Big barn, house, machine shed, silo, and tree grove all on 2.75 acre. We would have to take out part of the tree grove. Although that might cut down on our raccoon population HA

Not going to work then, too far :) Too bad since we have what you don't. Big OLD barn not in good shape but about 6 acres of pasture (Gone to weed, have to figure out how to fix that without noxious chemicals) plus about 18 acres of woods.

Do mini donkeys eat thistle? My older daughter would probably like a mini donkey - though what SHE wants are mini horses to pull her in a cart. At least a full size horse could be used to pull wagons full of chicken coop shavings to the compost pile and logs out of the woods (if I ever get to that).

Though the younger daughter is considering Macalester in Minneapolis/St.Paul - if they decide they want her and how much merit scholarship money they offer. They contacted her based, we assume, on her ACT score. If she goes there, I'll get your address and you can bring her to your place to ride YOUR horse


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