Horse Talk

Id say probably at least
My mom suggested that. I’m 13 but pretty responsible

That might be a good option if they'd be willing to do that or you may have to wait until you're a little older. Btw, I think you're not supposed to say your age if you're under 18 for safety reasons for kids so you might want to edit your post so you don't get in trouble or anything, though they're usually really nice so you wouldn't really get in trouble per se, just them explaining it, but yeah.

But I do think it would be a good idea to see if any place would let you do that :)
Id say probably at least

That might be a good option if they'd be willing to do that or you may have to wait until you're a little older. Btw, I think you're not supposed to say your age if you're under 18 for safety reasons for kids so you might want to edit your post so you don't get in trouble or anything, though they're usually really nice so you wouldn't really get in trouble per se, just them explaining it, but yeah.

But I do think it would be a good idea to see if any place would let you do that :)
Ok thanks for the heads up:)

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