Horse Triplets. Hatching on 3/27

If you run across another human anywhere in the woods I walk in, I will personally hand you a cheque consisting of my entire savings account!

Wow that remote, huh!? That’s scary too cause what if you break your leg or get mauled by a bear or something!?

Get your butt up and do those chores, young lady. :old

I do just enough to keep them alive like I feed, water, collect eggs, etc. but I’ve been slacking on a coop clean out, and also I took forever to put the garden in this year haha and even now I still have a few I need to pot ha

All are good. 6 eggs and the littles are on the wall/roost holder LOL I have like a board/piece of plywood screwed into the 2x4s on either side of the coop with notches cut for the roosts to sit in so kinda like a wall except not all the way up lol it’s like plywood I guess. Idk. Anyway, there’s obviously a space between that and the outer wall so the littles are perched on there lol except for 2 of them who are on the regular roosts. The low ones but still. Also oddly there were two or 3 bigs on the lower roosts and one in the nest box tonight. Usually most of them are in the high ones. But maybe it is hot and they wanted more space or something haha also on of the littles is even roosted next to May. I guess they let the littles roost with them now haha
Wow that remote, huh!? That’s scary too cause what if you break your leg or get mauled by a bear or something!?

I do just enough to keep them alive like I feed, water, collect eggs, etc. but I’ve been slacking on a coop clean out, and also I took forever to put the garden in this year haha and even now I still have a few I need to pot ha
Then you're screwed. Try not to jump down any steep banks, and don't antagonize the bears, and you'll be fine!

I actually think I will stop being lazy and go do a night check and egg collection now which I haven’t done a night check in a long time. :oops:
Then you're screwed. Try not to jump down any steep banks, and don't antagonize the bears, and you'll be fine!


See? That’s my problem right there!! Lol you wouldn’t purposely break your leg or trip or get a cut or fall or get a concussion or wound but it could happen and then you’re screwed!! Lol and I won’t :lau but what if you accidentally walk up on one? Lol

And yeah, I haven’t been lately but I want to start again haha
See? That’s my problem right there!! Lol you wouldn’t purposely break your leg or trip or get a cut or fall or get a concussion or wound but it could happen and then you’re screwed!! Lol and I won’t :lau but what if you accidentally walk up on one? Lol

And yeah, I haven’t been lately but I want to start again haha
Well, as long as it's not winter, you could probably survive until someone noticed you were missing, assuming you had some form of regular communication with family.

Bears aren't that aggressive, really. And they have good hearing. They clear out fast if they hear someone walking.
Well, as long as it's not winter, you could probably survive until someone noticed you were missing, assuming you had some form of regular communication with family.

Bears aren't that aggressive, really. And they have good hearing. They clear out fast if they hear someone walking.

I thought you said lived miles from anyone? How would anyone notice!? Haha I guess if you talked to them a lot they might? Like you said? But even so wouldn’t that take like weeks?

Hmm, that’s good to know. I guess I just always hear of grizzlies and/or momma bears mauling people :oops:
I thought you said lived miles from anyone? How would anyone notice!? Haha I guess if you talked to them a lot they might? Like you said? But even so wouldn’t that take like weeks?

Hmm, that’s good to know. I guess I just always hear of grizzlies and/or momma bears mauling people :oops:
Mother bears are an exception. Do NOT mess with those or you will wind up dead.

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