Horses and Geese


8 Years
Mar 22, 2011
Poy Sippi, WI
My Geese go everywhere within my fencing, including the horse paddocks. Yesterday, I was herding them in the direction of their building, and of course the shortest distance is a straight line, so they all went under the Thoroughbred Gelding (as he was eating). At one point he started moving and "bumped" one of the Sebastopols. I literally held my breath. Thank goodness the horses are all super good with my Poultry. The same horse was "chased" away from his feed last week by my 6 Sebbies. It was rather hilarious seeing a 15.3 hand horse run when the geese came at him honking and threatening.
No, but I thought it was interesting that all of my Poultry and horses get along so well. Sometimes horses will "chase" dogs, but they seem very comfortable with the Geese.
After taking a nibble on the electric fence my geese stay out of the horse paddocks. The ducks got in with the pony a couple days ago and she tried to stomp on them. I think they were sufficiently terrified so I don't think it will happen again.
My horses are very good with my geese/ducks. They all live peacefully together in one big pasture, but the geese/ducks can scoot under metal panel fence to get to their own feeding area. Otherwise, my horses would eat all their food.
Most of my horses seem to be fine with my geese but my Stallion chased them out of his paddock the other day. I have not yet seen the geese move that fast. I must admit it was quite amusing - they look so put out!
.... The same horse was "chased" away from his feed last week by my 6 Sebbies. It was rather hilarious seeing a 15.3 hand horse run when the geese came at him honking and threatening.

I bet that was funny! You must share pictures with us!!
tilly, I know that put out look. My geese give my horses that look every time they have to scurry out of my horses' way. Funny!!

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