I’m sure there’s probably other threads on this but I absolutely love horses so I would love to see yours!

As a kid, I read every horse book possible, watched every horse movie, etc. and was generally completely obsessed lol I’m sure I’m not the only one 🤣

I also used to ride off and on as well but the last time I rode was probably almost 10 years ago. I miss it for sure but can’t start again atm. Maybe eventually.


We can talk about anything horse related here and hopefully some pictures and yeah.

@Overo Mare I know I’ve seen yours already but… 🤣🙈

@EmmaRainboe and @TheOddOneOut you guys have pictures of the ones you ride, right? 🤣🤔

And yes, @EmmaRainboe you can ask people about The Silver Stallion or Brumby or whatever it was 🤣🙈🙈❤️

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