Thoughts on rope halters? Everything I’ve been reading says they’re better for groundwork cause they feel the pressure easier or something? And all the videos of the mustangs they seem to be wearing them. Like they seem to be all the rage with that and with horsemanship etc. but they seem like they would be harder to put on to me? But then again they don’t have parts to rust either so that’s good? But idk. Are they necessary? If I was to get a mustang or something needing starting or restarting etc. Or maybe I am just overthinking it lol
Rope halters really aren't hard to put on lol. If you're starting a horse in halter it is better to start in a rope halter versus a regular one, I believe. That's what I did at least
Me too. We are looking at some for sale in the area. I probably will wait before getting more animals, can’t imagine moving a flock of chickens, horses, etc. that would be a mess! 😂
Yeah that makes sense!!
Rope halters really aren't hard to put on lol. If you're starting a horse in halter it is better to start in a rope halter versus a regular one, I believe. That's what I did at least
That’s good to know lol thanks! They just look so complicated I was worried I’d get it all tangled or backwards or something 😂😂 but that makes sense!! Thanks for that!!
So i currently have 3 acres, i work with cow showmanship and love them, so the goal is, when i buy a barn (with roughly 30 acres) i will be getting some Alpacas, mini highland cows, horses, ducks, etc.

As for now, i’ll stick with working with cows, chickens, and my lovely cat. Til the day comes i suppose!
we own two horses and two alpacas coming next monday!!
So i currently have 3 acres, i work with cow showmanship and love them, so the goal is, when i buy a barn (with roughly 30 acres) i will be getting some Alpacas, mini highland cows, horses, ducks, etc.

As for now, i’ll stick with working with cows, chickens, and my lovely cat. Til the day comes i suppose!
I hope you can find a place! As our luck has ran out. We cant find anything in our price range.
Thoughts on rope halters? Everything I’ve been reading says they’re better for groundwork cause they feel the pressure easier or something? And all the videos of the mustangs they seem to be wearing them. Like they seem to be all the rage with that and with horsemanship etc. but they seem like they would be harder to put on to me? But then again they don’t have parts to rust either so that’s good? But idk. Are they necessary? If I was to get a mustang or something needing starting or restarting etc. Or maybe I am just overthinking it lol

I hadn't used one before doing the natural horsemanship thing... but I found I really liked them.
Knots always seemed weird to me... girths, halters, like how do you make sure it's done up the right amount each time, when a buckle gives you that predictability.
But knotting the halters is a lot easier than knotty (hehe) girths. It is different but teaching a horse to be good about haltering is important for either version. My Bear would always help by putting his nose in.
With a rope halter, the thin nature does make it easier to sit on the pressure points. That allows for a softer feel to to communicate with the horse. But it's also a bigger responsibility to stay soft with the horse, because you can cause more pain.

We liked riding in just a rope halter because it helps emphasize that you're just communicating with the horse, not trying to control them. Horses that people choke up on never really get to learn because they're always getting nagged.

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