Host a BYC Traveling Mascot!

Well, Merry Christmas Billy and the Bizzy gang, yes from warm (70 x-mas day sweet) florida. I hope you didn't put lots of tape on that very special box. and maybe we could stop on the way home. cause you did wrap it all by your self
I will send you guys photos of our charlie brown christmas palm tree.

PS. Ms Bizzy forgot to tell you she lost the Food Fighter box last year.
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Okay, time to get caught up:

The hairy monster grabbed Purple Monkey.




" Oh Billy, thank you for saving my LIFE"



Billy and Purple Monkey got a little silly with the leftover wrapping paper:

But as soon as I mentioned the mess needed to be cleaned up.. they disappeared:

"Where are we going to fit all these presents? They aren't going to fit under the tree"


"Oh, yes they will, Billy- and there will still be room for Santa to bring your presents!"



The cookie jar was getting empty. Billy had troubles getting the last one out.

He didn't have trouble eating it though:

So we made more cookies.

"Billy, are you eating the dough??"


"uh nuh eafin a dough. *gulp* No, I am not eating the dough"
and, from a week ago,

We got some snow- maybe 1 1/2 inches, nothing big. Billy was not happy- he wanted enough snow to make another Whee hill. He improvised by sliding down the railing:


And he bombed the landing:

" Ok, I am frozen and I think I have a splinter in my butt. Lets go have some hot choklit"


"With smushmallows"

"AND whipped cream!"


When he first woke on Christmas morning, Billy ran to the window and looked outside. I thought that was a little odd, but hey, he's a stuffed chicken. He opened his presents, and gave the biggest shout over his bright Santa-red snowsuit. What silly kid gets all excited over clothing??

Billy sat all day in his Santa Red snowsuit. I tried to tell him the weatherman said we would only get an inch of snow, and not until late tonight or tomorrow. Billy ignored me, and sat by the window in his red snowsuit. I kept hearing him say " I believe, I believe. I may be hot and sweaty, but I believe.

I tried to get Billy to play with his presents- his popper toy, and airplane, and his own fart putty, and jumping snowman, but he said he was waiting for his last present. I explained that whatever it was, it might have to wait until next year, but Billy insisted Santa would bring it. Again, he kept saying " I believe, I believe, it's silly, but I believe"

Finally, around 6pm, Billy gave a shout!
"Woot, There it is!! Woot, There it is!!!" Then Billy ran out the door. It seems he had asked Santa for snow, and it was snowing.

First he rolled a snowman body:

oops, hecccckkkkkppppp!! ( for those unaware, Billy doesnt say Hell(p), he says HEck(p)

Look! I made a Beaker Snowduck!!


" Okay, lets have hot chocklit and smushmallows and whipped cremes now!!"

Adaline and Peepers just arrived at my apartment! But with beaker's book! Silly chickens. They helped me make dinner last night, and have had all kinds of exciting adventures at SU so far! Hopefully I'll get my pictures up soon!
It's taken a while, but I've been from page 1 to the end of this thread today. It's such fun! Some of the hosts are soooo creative. If I have a mascot come, it'll be pretty simple stuff here but it's about the journey and the different location.

keep 'em coming!

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