Host a BYC Traveling Mascot!

Billy had a great Thanksgiving. He was a big little helper.
We woke up late, so we had to work fast. Billy got the celery

And then helped to make the stuffing. I cheated this year and used bagged stuffing mix. It was not good. Next year, I'm going back to making my own.

We got the turkey stuffed and into the oven:

Billy said he couldn't wait until the turkey got a suntan. We watched the parade, and then it was time to get the rest of the meal prepared.

" Can we add the smushmallows now?"

" Not yet Billy, but you can add the onions to the green bean casserole".

While he had fun tossing the onions into the pan, Billy thought it looked like "barfed up old oatmeal". The green beans had not been added yet so he wasn't far off in his description. But sheesh, thanks for putting that into my head.

So, we moved on to something safer- carrots!

Billy was good enough to remember to "drop" a carrot on the floor for doofydog, who immediately pounced on the carrot. (Literally, she is in the middle of pouncing- her front feet are not on the floor)

Doofydog took the carrot into the living room and tossed it around like a ball for a while. Billy thinks it's naughty to play with your food.

But, it looked like fun, so he ran off to play fetch with the dog. Or was it "keep-away"?
He stopped to come make sure I had everything.

"Mashed Taters?".. "Check"
"Sweet Taters?" ... "Check"
"Carrots?"... "Check"
"Corns?"... "Check"
"Barfarole?"... (and in a disappointed sounding voice) "Check"

Then it was time to take the turkey out. "Ohh, wow.. that looks GOOD."

With the turkey out, it was time to put the marshmallows on the sweet potatoes. Billy had fun sitting on the bag, tossing marshmallows. One into the pan, one at the dog- I mean TO the dog.
He decided he wanted a bed made out of "baby smushmallows" because they were so soft. And if he got hungry in the middle of the night he could take a bite or ten out of his bed.

"You know what Miss D?"
"What Billy?"
"I'm just like this turkey!"

"How are you like this turkey, Billy?"
"I'm poultry, and I'm stuffed!"

Ha ha- Good one, Billy!
we did this one time with a "foregin exchange student"-whenever the mascot left, the family that he was with would put some little treat for the next people in it, and a letter explaining what he did with his former host family:)
Well, it's that time of year again. Billy has almost been with us a full year. He is quite excited to be here before the holiday. At the same time, he is sad because he misses Beaker, and remembered all the fun they had last Christmas.
We started by putting out the decorations.
"The canny jar is empty!!"

"Now the canny jar has something sweet in it!"

Helping put out the snowman placemats

"The Cookie jar is empty too!!"

"Look MsBiz.. I'm a pengin"

"Hello SantaChicky! Would you like to dance?"


"On Dasher!?
Hmm, it's not Dasher
On Dancer!?
I guess it's not Dancer
On Prancer!?
Hmm, it's not Prancer either
On Vixen!?
Oh man...
On Comet!?
Lemme guess- not Comet
Cupid? Donner? Blitzed?
Giddyap Reindeer
Ohhhh.. Reindeer Rudy!! Giddyup Rudy! To the top of the porch! To the top of the wall! Dash Away Rudy, and don't make us fall!!
Billy saw the Santa under the tree and started talking to him:

"Santa, I have been very good ALL year. I really only want 1 thing for Christmas. I want ..."

Santa started singing, which startled Billy. What happened next startled him even more...


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