Host a BYC Traveling Mascot!

My STUPID photo editing program likes to eat pictures while pretending to save them, and unfortunately, I erased them off the camera before checking. So, this segment of Beaker's adventures is going to have less pictures than planned..

I looked out to see what the boys were up to. I remembered to shut the sunroof ( and babymakes6, I never saw that Allstate commercial. I love Mayhem!!!)


Awww, how cute! They decided to go camping. Using Mr Bizzy's shirt as a tent! (so does this mean I can tease MR Bizzy saying his shirts can be used as a tent?)
I saw 2 little pepsi bottles full of frozen water. I asked what they were for. Beaker said " Thats our air-conditioners because it's hot out here"
I thought that was pretty clever.

I heard Beaker say they needed "supplies". They ran in the house and filled a little cooler with juice boxes, hot dogs, marshmallows, leftover pizza,cheesy doodles, pickles, chocolate milk, grapes, cheese and crackers, bologna, ice pops, applesauce, pudding, PBJ sammiches, tater chips, cookies, brownies, more cookies, and sardines.(Yeah, I have no clue on the sardines)
They also filled a backpack with extra batteries for the little flashlight, cottonballs, bandaids, emergency chocolate bars,comic books, an ace bandage, neosporine, a snake bite kit, a radio, bug spray, a fly swatter, 2 dollars and 17 cents( in case they get robbed and need to pay off the robber or buy replacements for whatever is stolen), a canteen full of koolaid, tweezers, and a plastic knife(because they arent allowed anything sharp). Of course, they couldnt carry all that, so I gave them a horn, and told them to honk the horn if they needed anything, and I would bring it.
Yes, I know what you are thinking- What was I thinking???? Within 2 minutes of them being outside, that horn was honking. I told them to sit in the tent and I would bring them a snack. I barely got inside and that horn was honking again.

Beaker was standing at the "flap" of the tent with his little flashlight shining (It wasn't dark). " I heard something Miss Bizzy- it sounded BIG and monsterous"


I might have been mean, but I didn't tell them what was lurking in the background. I went inside to make their snack and when I came out.....


"What's with the cans, Beaker??"
" Its my alarm, for when the bears come"
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So, it got dark, and Billy and Beaker huddled around their "campfire" ( one of those battery operated candles that looks like the flame is flickering). They were giggling and I heard Beaker start telling a scary story.
"It was a dark summer night, in the Bizzy backyard. The surrounding woods were full of silent moving monsters, watching the chicken in the t-shirt tent. Their monster teeth were bared, drooling in anticipation of the chicken nugget meal.
The campers heard the sound of a twig breaking, but they were not concerned. They figured it was just the bunny coming out for a night time snack. The brave duck took a peek outside the tent.. and he saw the biggest, reddest, most EVIL eyes staring at him. There was a snarl, and the duck saw a set of teeth- very pointy and sharp looking, with nicks and chips from devouring the biggest animals, the toughest bones. "

I heard Billy giggle.. and I snuck back inside. Less than a minute later, I heard a scream,and thumping on the porch.



They ran past me with the "tent" dragging behind them.Well, Beaker was running- poor Billy was just being dragged along.
Hey, it was Billy that screamed cause my monster story scared him!! I was running because he was poking me in the back!
I WASN'T scared!!

I was hungry!
Last night when we was camping- BEfore Billy got all scared and made us run in the house like babies- the ball park peoples gave me a special treat- FIREWORKS!! They nevr have fireworks in the middle of the week, except if the forf of july is in the middle of the week. I taked pictures, and they turned out pretty good if I do say so myself.



My Quacker is fixed too! I can quack now, not just mumble and whine when I jump around!

Oh, and thank you !!

**edited because Miss Bizzybody says the way I had that worded sounded bad.
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