Hot but breezy


Jun 15, 2022
Ontario, Canada
I’m in Ontario Canada, it’s 30degrees but feels like 38. But it’s windy we are under a tornado watch. These ladies are hot! I’ve got two Wyandotte’s with wings lifted and panting. And a MMM who is also panting. My other two chickens are coping fine and don’t seem bothered. There is a wind today that I thought would be helping to cool the girls. They have cool water and full deep shade. I am really surprised they are panting so heavy. We often have high humidity and don’t always have this wind to ease the heat. They may have a tough summer.


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Hope nothing came from the tornado watch! It's been unseasonably warm down here in Iowa, too, and there's more on the way. Temps here are pretty close to what you are experiencing. Like you, I am expecting a tough summer.

Also like you, some of my birds are handling the heat better than others. I have a small battery-operated fan that I run at night in the coop where my Bielefelder sleeps. Liesl seems to be least comfortable in the heat and humidity.

Here in North Central Iowa the land is extremely flat, and it feels like the wind blows constantly. While that is a curse in the winter, it can be a blessing in the summer. I am hoping to build a hardware cloth screen door for Liesl's coop, although it has plenty of ventilation. I figure any extra air movement is a good thing right now.

All my coops are in the shade, and I take out water regularly and put ice cubes in the water dishes. I also toss out frozen treats -- peas -- and refrigerated berries. I'm planning to add some electrolytes to the water later today.

Best wishes for you and your flock!
hello also from Ontario, but in the opposite corner of you (Southwestern)! I am glad nothing came of the tornado watch for you guys in the east.

last summer we had a couple heat related deaths in our Wyandotte coop which were very sad. we relooked at our air circulation and ventilation and have made some changes for this year. we have also added a lot more shade to the runs that weren’t already in the shade. we picked up a couple containers so that we can put out cool water in the run - think chicken kiddie pool. frozen snacks, ice cubes and electrolytes also help. the weather has broke now so we made it to the other side of that hot spell, but I’m sure there’s plenty more to come this summer. best of luck to your girls!
Hope nothing came from the tornado watch! It's been unseasonably warm down here in Iowa, too, and there's more on the way. Temps here are pretty close to what you are experiencing. Like you, I am expecting a tough summer.

Also like you, some of my birds are handling the heat better than others. I have a small battery-operated fan that I run at night in the coop where my Bielefelder sleeps. Liesl seems to be least comfortable in the heat and humidity.

Here in North Central Iowa the land is extremely flat, and it feels like the wind blows constantly. While that is a curse in the winter, it can be a blessing in the summer. I am hoping to build a hardware cloth screen door for Liesl's coop, although it has plenty of ventilation. I figure any extra air movement is a good thing right now.

All my coops are in the shade, and I take out water regularly and put ice cubes in the water dishes. I also toss out frozen treats -- peas -- and refrigerated berries. I'm planning to add some electrolytes to the water later today.

Best wishes for you and your flock!
Thanks! The warning needed without us getting even a drop of rain. The girls survived. I just wish they were more comfortable. But they have tons of ventilation in the coop and so much deep shade that I worry they don’t get enough sunlight! Lol. The doors at the back open up and there is a window on each side like this one. As well as the one across the front. Thankfully it cools down here at night usually. But I may try large frozen jugs in the run as a cooling station.


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hello also from Ontario, but in the opposite corner of you (Southwestern)! I am glad nothing came of the tornado watch for you guys in the east.

last summer we had a couple heat related deaths in our Wyandotte coop which were very sad. we relooked at our air circulation and ventilation and have made some changes for this year. we have also added a lot more shade to the runs that weren’t already in the shade. we picked up a couple containers so that we can put out cool water in the run - think chicken kiddie pool. frozen snacks, ice cubes and electrolytes also help. the weather has broke now so we made it to the other side of that hot spell, but I’m sure there’s plenty more to come this summer. best of luck to your girls!
It’s nice to hear from another Ontarian! I might try the chicken wading pool idea. I am sort of surprised how quickly my Wyandotte’s show signs of heat stress. I did intentionally choose cold hardy breeds but summer temps are definitely going to be a challenge.
It’s nice to hear from another Ontarian! I might try the chicken wading pool idea. I am sort of surprised how quickly my Wyandotte’s show signs of heat stress. I did intentionally choose cold hardy breeds but summer temps are definitely going to be a challenge.
our summers aren’t what they used to be! some really like it, others not so much. I try to keep it topped up with ice cause that way even the ones who aren’t getting in it so like to drink from it. it’s like a big puddle for them.

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