Hot composting with chicken bedding and garden waste

Scott, I've been near, but haven't taken pics. I'll try to do so next time.

I've got two unused broom handles in storage, I think I might just attach them to each other and use that. That should work ok, there won't be much stress on the middle part of it.
I hate to be picky when asking for a favor, but could you do the pic at about the same of day as the others?

On the two broom handles joined in the middle, use a good overlay or you will be making a long hinge.
Thanks Much
Yeah Scott, we usually go around noon.

I was thinking I'd either make a diagonal cut in both, or then I'd go down straight through half the width, and then split off about 4 inches of the handles. If I cut them diagonally, I could place some sort of rod in the middle.

I whipped up some peasant cheese yesterday again, and dumped the whey in the compost in the evening. This morning the temp was +34C in the box. That's about 93F for you metrically challenged folks.
We changed the battery in our thermometer, and it converted to Centigrade with the new thermometer. It gave me conniptions until Hubby was able to convert it back. I can kind of sort of do the math in my head, but it's not the same as having the actual degree F in front of me so, I'll know how loud I should complain about the weather! it was minus 19F when i got up this morning. I complained a lot.

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