Houseing in city


8 Years
Apr 3, 2013
Hello there I would like to find out about pigeon housing I am moving to a more urban place that dont allow my chickens so please help
you could have a 2 section kit box with 40 birds in it if you want to go smaller you can have a smaller kit box with one section or have a loft which is like a kit but more like a shed then you could race out of it or keep pigeons for the sake of it or you could also fly rollers and tumblers :)
I have pigeons and chickens in town and I just built a loft for my pigeons. 6 feet long, 4 feet wide and 6 feet tall. I have 18 pigeons at the moment, but it could hold much more. The first cage I kept pigeons in was 2 small rabbit cages. I still use them when I want to separate the cocks from hens. If you are going to have a small flock then a rabbit cage would do fine.
Okay do you need to give them exercise or any extra activities like that

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