Housing ideas for rescue duckling with chicken flock?


7 Years
Oct 15, 2016
A few weeks ago, we got our first chickens ever. Five still in brooder (in house) and quickly outgrowing it. Two weeks ago we accepted a duckling as a rescue. Nothing wrong with it. A college student purchased it as a pet then quickly surrendered to a friend who works with animals.

My wife started researching chickens two years ago. We know jack about ducks. But we're trying to learn quickly. I'm in the process of building the coop/run, and was wondering what modifications I should make to the design for the duck. Make sure he/she (not sure yet) has soft bedding we've been told. Nest box should be floor-level?

The coop design is 5'x10', and I was planning on maybe separating part of that out for storage. Should I give the duck his own door/room instead? Will he even be interested in the coop at all?

I think if we left it up to him, he would follow us around all day, bathe with us, and sleep in our bed.


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