Hovabator 1588 Turner Problem Help Needed.


11 Years
Apr 7, 2008
Santa Rosa, California
On Monday I started picking up eggs that I am planning on sticking into the 'bator in 7-10 days.

I've been putting them into the turner, but....I have this deep suspicion that it really isn't turning. Even when it turns it turns so slowly that I can't "see" it turning, and I was fooling myself that I just kept going back in when it was in the same position....(or sumthin')

Anyway, I can hear the feel the motor vibration, but I suspect I've got something out of whack where the motor hooks to the yellow frame that rocks the eggs.

Does anyone have a picture of that set-up so I can see what I may have wrong?

Fret, fret, fret,......

it turns very slowly back and forth.
Yeah, I sorta know that's how it works.
It worked like a charm through a bunch of hatches last year.

What I just did was to make marks on it so I could see if it has moved in an hour or two....

I just have the feeling it's groaning and not moving.....



So I took a magic marker and drew a line across the frame where each tray was located when I plugged it in.

And now I can see that the lines have completely disappeared....

Whoopeeeeeee !!!!

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