Hovabator Genesis Hatch, Feb-May! WITH CONTESTS!

I am so disappointed in myself! I candles a few of my eggs today before including the quail in the batch. It was day 14 for guinea and turkey and day 8 for chicken. SO I found two guinea eggs that looked the same so I looked closely and saw a little hole like a peck hole. One of the chicken eggs had a hairline crack. In the interest of learning something I cracked open the eggs with the compromised shells. The guinea baby was starting to feather and I could see it's little beating heart!
I quickly dispatched it! The chicken egg I cracked looked clear and the yolk was runny and sloppy...the chick looked like it was a quitter.
OK--here is what I learned: DONT OPEN ANY MORE EGGS! I am so sad! Terri O
That's too bad, but do you think it had a chance with a hole in the shell that far away from hatching? Maybe you just hastened the inevitable.
Here is our first one of the hatch. A Speckled Sussex that pipped yesterday evening and hatched sometime during the night. It now has another buddy out and 7 more pips out of 41 eggs.

Our hatch from today


d'uccle chick, ameraucana chick

oh and these

d'uccles, RIR, Ameraucana, Easter Eggers

Go over 20 year old HovaBator with turner! 40 eggs set so far 30 hatched
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