Hovabator Wafer


12 Years
Jul 20, 2007
I guess the wafer in the hovabator is bad.
From what I have read they are a hollow bi-metal type.
The instructions ( that I downloaded from GQF) state to plug it in, then crank it down until the switch goes off.
Then back off 4 complete turns and let the temp rise ( which doesnt take long) and start adjusting.

I have been adjusting in teensie increments and its either 120 degrees or 80 degrees.
No in between.
The switch is working fine and the contacts are good.
The wiring is fine.
I pulled out the wafer and subjected it to the wife's hair dryer.
IT showed no signs of expansion at all.

A new one is about 8 bucks.
I guess I will get one coming.

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What do you have in your incubator to show your temps? I have 3 wafer type bators, 2 are still airs and never have had a problem. I do keep wafers on hand just incase.
If that incubator has not been used for a long time it is very possible that the wafer is bad. A freind gave me his Hova bator to use and the wafer in it was bad. I think that is why many incubators are set up with two.

The one I had just did not work at all. New wafer and boom pretty as you please. The upside is that they are not costly if you have the switch. I am a fan of Randall Burkey as they shipped me quickly and assisted me wth some technical stuff on my wood incubator.

Good Luck
Thats definatly the problem, the wafer should puff right up when heated. I have checked out a few before by running under hot water, if they are good they will expand in a few seconds.

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