How about a Thread for Embdens?

Julie, those pictures are precious!!!
Couldn't post a picture on this thread but could someone go to post to tell is my embden goose is male or female??
Well it has been snowing to beat the band and my 2 geese have been out enjoying it

I know this is the Embden thread but had to get my Toulouse in on it too.
It snowed here last night too. Was suppose to be an inch and it is more like 3 inches.... The geese are out in it running and spreading their wings. Having a good old time out in it. Pretty pictures Miss Lydia !!!
Well it has been snowing to beat the band and my 2 geese have been out enjoying it

I know this is the Embden thread but had to get my Toulouse in on it too.
Great pics! I love your pair, I think they look so cute together.

I'm giving fermented feed a try again, now that spring is closer. I kind of forced myself into it, lol. I accidentally bought 2 bags of all flock (pellets) instead of one and a bag of gamebird (crumbles). So, since I have to make the pellets into mash for the chicks, I decided to just start a small batch fermenting again. I'm on day 3, and the seramas and my chicks love it, and are digging right in. So I'll go ahead and get a bigger bucket of it going here in a few days and see if I can't get everyone switched to it and see how it goes.

Another pic of my girl. I was trying to get pics of the chickens and ducks actually, and she kept hogging the camera. She didn't understand why it wasn't pointed at her like usual, lol. Her hatchday is next week, on valentine's day. I'm going to make the spoiled brat a cake out of peas and sprouts and rice.
Thanks Julie, I love them 2 so much, and your girl has a birthday coming up, yay don't forget pics of her in her party hat with her cake.
My flock love the ff, when I first started feeding it my ducks and geese were reluctant to try something new so i had to gradually bring it in but I don't think I'd go back to feeding dry since the ff is so good for them all and they love it now Look forward to seeing how new chicks take to it here. I have been adding oregano and kelp powder to mine on one batch then when i make up my second bucket i add garlic and cayenne powder to that one. Your Embden looks so sweet. My gander is trying his best to be a good boy even though it is mating season, today i got to sit outside with them for a while and i had to remind him a couple of times that biting me wasn't such a good idea. He really was on his best behavior.

Another pic of my girl. I was trying to get pics of the chickens and ducks actually, and she kept hogging the camera. She didn't understand why it wasn't pointed at her like usual, lol. Her hatchday is next week, on valentine's day. I'm going to make the spoiled brat a cake out of peas and sprouts and rice.

How old will she be?

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