How about a Thread for Embdens?

They´re doing great.
We went out today, and when we got home I found that 2 of the goslings had managed to find a gap under the fence of their pen and were happily swanning around with dad, while the mom was inside with the other two looking rather concerned, wanting her babies back. So I popped them back in with her, fed them and fixed the gap. I expect the cat pushed under it, pest. But the gander was there, looking so very proud of himself! He looked decidedly put out when I put them back with mom! I´ll try to get a big pic on the other thread tomorrow when the internet is working faster.
They´re doing great.
We went out today, and when we got home I found that 2 of the goslings had managed to find a gap under the fence of their pen and were happily swanning around with dad, while the mom was inside with the other two looking rather concerned, wanting her babies back. So I popped them back in with her, fed them and fixed the gap. I expect the cat pushed under it, pest. But the gander was there, looking so very proud of himself! He looked decidedly put out when I put them back with mom! I´ll try to get a big pic on the other thread tomorrow when the internet is working faster.
Look forward to seeing them. I would love for Sam to be a daddy again, he was so sweet to the ducklings he raised.
Look forward to seeing them. I would love for Sam to be a daddy again, he was so sweet to the ducklings he raised.
Well, you know, I reckon, with my limited knowledge yet that I have, that it´s not impossible for him to be dad of his own goslings. 6 isn´t that old, and Missy is more ready this year to have a successful brood.....I reckon.....just give them a swimming pool and you´ll be all set! Haha, some friends of ours have a swimming pool, very nice on those hot sunny afternoons.......well, when I took on my first 3 goslings, they took 2 on... (5 sisters!) Now WE don´t have a swimming pool, so our goslings, when big enough, went down to the stream...theirs went....where do you think?! Hahaha....what a picture!
Well, you know, I reckon, with my limited knowledge yet that I have, that it´s not impossible for him to be dad of his own goslings. 6 isn´t that old, and Missy is more ready this year to have a successful brood.....I reckon.....just give them a swimming pool and you´ll be all set! Haha, some friends of ours have a swimming pool, very nice on those hot sunny afternoons.......well, when I took on my first 3 goslings, they took 2 on... (5 sisters!) Now WE don´t have a swimming pool, so our goslings, when big enough, went down to the stream...theirs went....where do you think?! Hahaha....what a picture!
Geese in a swimming pool what a sight. They have a pool but I have seen them on the ramp trying to mate and both feel off.
they do get carried away at times.
On a RAMP?! No wonder the eggs were infertile! He needs to read up a bit on successful rearing of geese!
That should have been fell off, but they did successfully mate just got to close to the edge and fell off. I'll see if I can find him a book with pics.
on child rearing not mating.
Oh this makes me smile! I love this.....I introduced my small dog to Joey my goose and she hissed at my dog. (Was on a leash-- I will have to attempt this a little slower.) Now I am thinking I should bring that beautiful little Muscovy duck home here-- it is so tame and eats right out of the hand, but I am afraid it will be hurt there. Thanks all for the info!!!!
Oh this makes me smile! I love this.....I introduced my small dog to Joey my goose and she hissed at my dog. (Was on a leash-- I will have to attempt this a little slower.) Now I am thinking I should bring that beautiful little Muscovy duck home here-- it is so tame and eats right out of the hand, but I am afraid it will be hurt there. Thanks all for the info!!!!
What do mean hurt? I'd be worried it would be hurt where it's at if that friendly, I love my Scovy's they have such personality, you'd have to introduce slowly so they would get use to each other, maybe just a temp fence between them for a couple days to a week. once you saw them laying side by side with fence between them then you'd know to take it down. Of course not trying to enable or anything.
My geese don't care much for my dogs dachshunds and mix breed, they want to bully them.
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Yes, that's what I am afraid of~he trusts humans and there are still some at this park who don't get it......abusive toward the wildlife. (It seems to be improved though.) How do you suggest I get him to bring him home here? He is a cutie! Lots of personality, and such a charmer....Maybe he and Joey would enjoy the company!
Yes, that's what I am afraid of~he trusts humans and there are still some at this park who don't get it......abusive toward the wildlife. (It seems to be improved though.) How do you suggest I get him to bring him home here? He is a cutie! Lots of personality, and such a charmer....Maybe he and Joey would enjoy the company!
Just from experience, I once had a muscovy drake that was terrible...although he had females, he chased after my poor geese as well, tried to mate with them and terrorised them. The other males don´t do that, just this one.....but keep an eye out.....

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