How annoying are crows?

Man, I have a teensy little Sebright rooster. Weighs about 1.25 lbs. He is friggin LOUD. I'm lucky I can have roosters here. I live out in the woods. My only neighbors are about 1/3 mile away. I can hear him from their house. Just awful. I tell him pretty much every day that he shoulda been a girl.
My neighbors like 3-4 houses down had roosters and their closer neighbor complained constantly, they were loud. My grandmother bred Siberian huskies, and the racket like 7 would make howling when she got home was like a whisper compared to these tiny roosters. I could hear them from Quick Check on the other side of town! My aunt lives in a rural area with a farm maybe a mile or 2 away and we used to be able to very faintly hear roosters on some mornings. I like the sound of roosters, and I lived in Brooklyn where pigeons will roost on your ledge and moan 24/7, so I can basically tune anything out, but most people in a suburban setting are not so accommodating.
How far the sound travels depends on a lot of things, but some crows can be heard for miles around. How far away are your neighbors? Unless you are on a farm and your neighbors are spread very far out, chances are they will hear your rooster, and so will you. Whether that's annoying, really depends on the person. Some people are annoyed on principle. Others are more sensitive to sounds or irritants. Me personally, I'm not annoyed at all. I used to sleep with the windows open and not hear our rooster in the back yard at all, while my mom had to sleep with ear plugs in. I have my own flock now and don't have a rooster because my neighbors complain. People are different. Best to go talk to your neighbors and see what they think about it, and have a plan B in case they don't want to live with the sound. Check your town bylaws, too, to see if there's anything specific about roosters.
I’ve checked the laws there is nothing about keeping roosters
I’ve checked the laws there is nothing about keeping roosters
Then you're good, but it isn't good to annoy your neighbors, even if the laws are on your side. I find talking about the issue and offering free eggs from your hens goes a looooong way toward helping neighbors tolerate noisy fellas.
I have two crowing cockerels right now. They are quite noisy! I have a couple full grown roosters in the neighborhood that I can hear clearly too. My lot is 1.25 acres and the other rooster is a few houses down.

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