How bad is it for dogs to eat chicken poop?

Hi, we have 2 dogs that both got sick from eating chicken poop. The vet told us they only got sick as they were both only a few months old & couldn't process the germs as well as an adult dog. We nearly lost one as he stopped eating, drinking & couldn't stand up. He was also vomiting. It happened very quickly. Apparently he had a parasite & this was sorted out within 24 hours with medication. So yes it does happen. Fortunately they are now 12 months old & if they do eat the poop it does not affect them anymore. Still gross though.
It took me a long time to realize my dogs were eating chicken poop. They seem fine. I'm worried about worms because the chickens eat lizards and the lizards carry some type of worm. Supposedly they won't be passed on -- One thing is chicken poop is very acidic and probably kills most parasites, except for the chicken-specific ones.
We have baby ducklings and my dog is very attached and protective. He and his lady had puppies to which he was very active in raising and caring for and this is what he seems to be doing with these ducklings. licking their behind after they go and today he started eating their droppings. he does not eat the adult duck poo outside. thoughts?
Grew up on a farm. I've seen dogs eat all kinds of things, including but not limited to pig poop, cow poop, sheep poop, dog poop, and cat poop. They always lived to see another day.
I just took one of our dogs to the vet for his yearly and mentioned him eating chicken poop to them. The vet said they can get very sick from eating chicken poop. The vets sister has chickens and her dog eats it all the time and has gotten cocci before from it. They can also get salmonella among other things. She said she has seen dogs eat it their entire lives and not get sick and dogs that get sick regularly. I think it probably depends on their age, development, immune system etc. she said to try to train him out of it. It actually has gotten better since I started watching him more. He doesn't follow them around just to eat poop anymore; at least while I'm around :gig
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My dog loves chicken poop and hasn't ever had a problem. I gave the chickens garlic yesterday and today my pup has the runs really bad. I didn't think anything of it until I was trying to figure out what was different from any other day. Could the garlic passed through to the poop somehow and made my dog sick? I have a large property that's mostly woods so it's possible he got into something else and this is just a coincidence, but I can't help but wonder if it was the garlic...
Just found out my dog has ammonia poisoning from eating too much fresh chicken poop. Her levels should be between 12 and 47 and should be on the lower level and they were 61. She's getting worse but am still hopeful that keeping her away from the poop will eventually help...I've been told that no one has ever heard of this, but it happened. Perhaps she is not able to process the ammonia as well as other dogs..
Thank you -
Just found out my dog has ammonia poisoning from eating too much fresh chicken poop. Her levels should be between 12 and 47 and should be on the lower level and they were 61. She's getting worse but am still hopeful that keeping her away from the poop will eventually help...I've been told that no one has ever heard of this, but it happened. Perhaps she is not able to process the ammonia as well as other dogs..
What kind of dog do you have? I have a border collie showing signs of nausea, lack of appetite and sleeping more. Although today she did play fetch and tonight she is acting odd.

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