How bad is the pecking order fighting?

Hey thanks for doing the math for me!!!
Very good advice and I appreciate it.
What if your chickens are not picking on someone new? I have three Plymouth Rock hens (no rooster) and two are picking on the third, who my family has nicknamed "Scruffy Ginger". Nearly all of her tail feathers have been pecked out and her neck is bare.
Does anyone know why it happens an how to stop it?
Desert.., I have a similar issue with my flock, of one or two of the regular hens being picked on to the point of abuse. I've separated, carried the abuser around the flock by the feet for a while for humiliation factor(really does work effectively, at least for a while), and now I've picked up on the water spray that was mentioned in a post above. That works so well to discourage our dog from poor behavior that I'm thinking it will set an abuser hen back on her feet as well. You might try the water gun/spray on your bully hen(s) to see if it works. (BTW, I'm not a mean chicken keeper, but I am determined to save my low-rank hens who are good layers from excessive pecking abuse by the bullies!) ~G
We have the pecking problem, too. It started with the chick who turned rooster and was rehomed. After that, one of the barred rocks started and now everyone is pecked, and several have naked butts. They have more than the minimum recommendation for space per bird, have toys and treats, I've upped their protein, etc., but no luck. I bought an apron, and have that on one of the hens as a trial, and we will be using pinless peepers, starting today. I think there are flocks where this just is a problem, and flocks where everyone gets along. Probably very difficult, if not impossible, to predict. The methods of introduction mentioned here are good ones, but just didn't prevent trouble with my particular flock of birds. The worst picker is a beautiful pullet who lays a pretty pink/peach egg nearly every day, so I would hate to rehome her (and I think she would start her bad behavior elsewhere, anyway).

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