How best to introduce pullets into the main coop from the temporary coop


14 Years
Jun 8, 2010
San Francisco
I've always been able to gain some great ideas by tossing this out to the group and then working through the responses to get down to an apporach I believe would be useful.
While this topic has been posted a number of times, I can't find a post and responses that are more specific to the situation I have.

SO,,, right now I have a main coop (where my 2 and 3 year old hens and rooster are located) and a 'mini-temp coop' where my pullets currently occupy (BOTH are in the main run.

At 5 weeks I introduced them in the run in a protected space for the look but don't touch time. In a few days when things were looking okay I opened up the doors on the 'mini-corral' where they could go in and out but the big chickens could NOT come in. Offered a nice respite for them when interactions got too intense for them.

Tomorrow the young pullets will be 10 weeks old. Pretty much for the past 5 weeks they have been interacting with the adults in the run. I have a large run with plenty of places to duck , fly to and rest out of the fray. This has gone very well, with just an occasional poke here and there from the 'elders'.

SO, my plan is to introduce them into the main coop (assuming that they haven't already wandered into it on their own - don't laugh, had that happen in the past) when they are 14 weeks old. I *think* (guess?) at that age they should be large enough (BTW they are Sapphire gems that I am adding to my EEs and Golden Comets). I figure that will give me a reasonable amount of weeks to get them used to going to the big coop and roosting there, so that they are homed to the main coop my just around the time they will be getting close to lay.

So............. I thought of using the 'middle of the night' insert (which I've never done before) into the coop but am not sure if that is the best way to create a smooth transition (i.e. reasonably smooth)? Again, I figure at 14 weeks old they should be 'relatively okay' at that point... especially considering that they will have been running around with the big girls and boy for nearly 9 weeks by then.

Ideas anyone for this unique (I think ) situation where the two groups have had a long amount of exposure to one another already in the day-to-day in the large open run area. Thanks in advance for any insights any of you can provide. I know that there will be some squabbling but have been trying to do everything I can to minimize that with a 'long' exposure time. Just looking to keep the 'challenges' to a minimum.....
Mine are currently in the garage, but moving them into their own coop this weekend. I'm fencing off part of the run so they can introduce themselves to the hens. I've done this for the past several years to minimize pecking-order fights.
I've always been able to gain some great ideas by tossing this out to the group and then working through the responses to get down to an apporach I believe would be useful.
While this topic has been posted a number of times, I can't find a post and responses that are more specific to the situation I have.

SO,,, right now I have a main coop (where my 2 and 3 year old hens and rooster are located) and a 'mini-temp coop' where my pullets currently occupy (BOTH are in the main run.

At 5 weeks I introduced them in the run in a protected space for the look but don't touch time. In a few days when things were looking okay I opened up the doors on the 'mini-corral' where they could go in and out but the big chickens could NOT come in. Offered a nice respite for them when interactions got too intense for them.

Tomorrow the young pullets will be 10 weeks old. Pretty much for the past 5 weeks they have been interacting with the adults in the run. I have a large run with plenty of places to duck , fly to and rest out of the fray. This has gone very well, with just an occasional poke here and there from the 'elders'.

SO, my plan is to introduce them into the main coop (assuming that they haven't already wandered into it on their own - don't laugh, had that happen in the past) when they are 14 weeks old. I *think* (guess?) at that age they should be large enough (BTW they are Sapphire gems that I am adding to my EEs and Golden Comets). I figure that will give me a reasonable amount of weeks to get them used to going to the big coop and roosting there, so that they are homed to the main coop my just around the time they will be getting close to lay.

So............. I thought of using the 'middle of the night' insert (which I've never done before) into the coop but am not sure if that is the best way to create a smooth transition (i.e. reasonably smooth)? Again, I figure at 14 weeks old they should be 'relatively okay' at that point... especially considering that they will have been running around with the big girls and boy for nearly 9 weeks by then.

Ideas anyone for this unique (I think ) situation where the two groups have had a long amount of exposure to one another already in the day-to-day in the large open run area. Thanks in advance for any insights any of you can provide. I know that there will be some squabbling but have been trying to do everything I can to minimize that with a 'long' exposure time. Just looking to keep the 'challenges' to a minimum.....
Just an update:. So things are going pretty well with the sapphire gems and the established flock in the open run area. The littles are still occupying their own MINI coop at night. They turned 11 weeks old yesterday. Again my plan is to possibly do one of those night introductions when they reach 14 weeks old into the main coop. I originally set the littles out into the open run at about 5 weeks old after initial see but don't touch approach. So by the time the 14 weeks old arrives they will have been mixing up with the established flock for nearly 9 weeks by then. Even still, more than a bit nervous about that big introduction into the coop at night when they hit 14 weeks old, but it's got to be done at some point. The saving Grace I think is that they will have had approximately 2 months+ to get used to one another's presence. Will keep you updated 👍
Just an update:. So things are going pretty well with the sapphire gems and the established flock in the open run area. The littles are still occupying their own MINI coop at night. They turned 11 weeks old yesterday. Again my plan is to possibly do one of those night introductions when they reach 14 weeks old into the main coop. I originally set the littles out into the open run at about 5 weeks old after initial see but don't touch approach. So by the time the 14 weeks old arrives they will have been mixing up with the established flock for nearly 9 weeks by then. Even still, more than a bit nervous about that big introduction into the coop at night when they hit 14 weeks old, but it's got to be done at some point. The saving Grace I think is that they will have had approximately 2 months+ to get used to one another's presence. Will keep you updated 👍
I know this is an old post. I am in the same boat. My chickens are almost 14 weeks old. But they still go back in their little coop at night. Integration goes well - with very few interactions. I only close their fenced in area when I am not home. So how did it work out for you?

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