How big a cage for broody breaking?

Here is a picture of Cera
I use a medium sized wire dog crate. Food and water fits, poop falls through, and air circulates underneath the bird. I stuck a 1x2 through the slots of the crate so the chicken has a low roost with just enough head room. This works well to break them of the habit.
That looks good to me. The only other thing I have heard and had success myself with is making sure where you have them is bright and if you can get them out of site if the coop that seems to help as well.
That looks good to me. The only other thing I have heard and had success myself with is making sure where you have them is bright and if you can get them out of site if the coop that seems to help as well.
I can't get her out of sight of the coop without isolating her from the other hens, and that would cause reintegration problems.
Looks pretty good!
That roost may be too close to the wall to be if use.
I just put a length of 2x4 lumber on the bottom of the crate to give their feet a break from the wire.
What size wire is on the bottom of crate...looks like 2x4?
1x2 would be better.

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