How big does a meat bird coop need to be? Do they need a run?

what is it? a square foot for little babies and then like 2-3 feet when they are big?

well, I have an 8x10 (and I do 30 at a time for 6-8 weeks) and by the time they get big I just open the door and let them come out and all they do is plop under the cherry tree. I have my 8 yr. old and 3 yr. old pick up and move the ones that don't come out just to give them fresh air. Then we have to carry some back in at night...the fat lazy ones.
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OMG lol... so do they need a run? and how big? certainly not as big as for your layers right?
I raise my meaties 25 at a time in a 12 x 12 box stall bedded with shavings. I don't let them outside because I do not have a run. That is really more space than they need so next go round I will try 50. If they get too crowded I do have some place I can move some.
I know these will be different from my layers, but I still wanna be fair and give them a good life. Do you think it is mean not to have a run? Or will they even use it by choice?
I raise 25 meaties at a time in my 12'x5' chicken tractor. I could probably double that, and do 50 meaties if I added another feeder and waterer. I'd recommend considering the chicken tractor type of arrangment. you just have to move it a couple times a day and this keeps your grass fertilized and mowed and you don't have to clean out any coops/runs. Of course we don't really have much grass, as you can see, but we hope to someday! The previous owners left us with lots of compacted dirt. LOL.

Here's a pic of my tractor.


Ok, well that looks small easy and doable. We have what was supposed to be a tractor but there is so much wood on it that it is impossible to move! Its soooo heavy. It's a really nice set up, just not as functional as expected- as far as moving it goes
make sure they don't get cocci from the ground I let mine out at 4 weeks and I've been losing them almost every other day since from cocci. big mistake. I think a tractor would be best that way you can move it around.
Where is the door on this to get into it? How do you get the chickens out/ clean the inside? I love this idea! Looks simple and very handy. My hubby said he'd biuld this for me, no prob, just wants to know where you have a door on it.
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