How can I coax turkey poults bought from a local breeder to become friendly?


13 Years
Apr 28, 2008
Bucksport, ME
I apologize for the weird sound of the title, but I couldn't think of another way to say it. I recently purchased (very reasonably, I might add), 4 turkey poults from a lady who had listed a local classifieds ad. These poults, who were being raised by the hen, were told to be approximately 2 weeks old. They are of mixed breed, but I'm pretty sure (and was told) that one is primarily blue slate. Here is a picture of them. The lady who I bought them from had Narraganset, Black, Blue Slate, and Bourbon Red turkeys.

This is a picture while they were in their temporary brooder while I got the cage ready.

They are doing well, but they shy from me when I go to change the brooder shavings or refill food or water.
They are currently kept in a wire dog kennel with hardware cloth ziptied around the bottom 1/2 around the sides to prevent escape. I have a work lamp with a 100w incandescent bulb shining down into the cage. It is kept in our garage, with doors and windows shut at night to maintain heat. Last night, they were huddled up together near the front of the cage, content until I walked near the cage. While I transitioned them to the cage yesterday, I put the cage in the front yard with food and water so they could get some fresh grass and sunlight. I had a burlap sack over the back portion of the cage so they could have a shady spot to retreat to. They were very content.

OK. So, having been raised for the first two weeks of their life in a pen with a hen, is there a way that I can become friendlier with them? Are there any treats that I could coax them with? I know it will be a long process, but I'm willing to work at it. I know that birds imprint on the first thing they see after hatching, and have had very good luck with chicks from a hatchery. Any helpful tips would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks!
I spend a little time each day holding mine. They aren't totally friendly yet and one seems to HATE being held but some of the others have no problem with it. I've read many times on here that it is invaluable to be able to have the turkeys be calm when you hold them in case you ever have an emergency when they are injured and need to be carried. Good luck!!

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