How Can I Find Out Which Of My Chickens Are Laying


5 Years
Sep 19, 2014
I have one buff orpington and 2 easter eggers. We have collected 8 eggs from them in the past 2 weeks. They have been laying an egg almost every other day. We were wondering if you had any ideas on how we can tell which chickens are laying and ,if the case may be, which are not.

All 8 of the eggs are brown so far which made us originally believe that it was only the BO laying but we now believe that the EE's are also laying them, since we have seen them in the nesting box not too long before we find an egg. We have heard that not all EE's lay different colored eggs so we are wondering if that may be the case for our EE's. If you have any ideas on how we can either confirm or deny our suspicions that would be great. Thanks so much!!
If you haven't gotten two eggs in the same day, it could be your Easter Eggers aren't laying yet. Pullets will often spend time in the nesting boxes rearranging things days before they actually lay an egg. There are ways to tell who is laying if you don't catch them in the act, but none that are really easy. Putting food coloring or lipstick on their vent will color the egg shell seems to be a popular one, trap nesting/ (or if you see one in the nest, lock them in until they lay or for a few hours when it looks like they aren't going to that day).
Check their vents and pubic bones, this is more for birds that should be laying not pullets just starting, but gives you some idea, from the article
Body Characteristics
A good layer will have a large, smooth, moist, almost white vent. The two small bones at the sides of the vent are called the pubic bones. They should be flexible and wide apart, with at least two finger widths between them. The abdomen should be deep, soft, and pliable without an accumulation of body fat. The depth of the abdomen is measured between the tip of the keel or breast bone and the pubic bones. Laying hens should have a depth of three or four finger widths.
The non-layer will usually have a smaller body with a shallow, firm abdomen. Pullets and non- laying hens have a depth of about two finger widths between the pubic bones and keel. The pubic bones are usually stiff and close together when the hen is not laying. The distance between the pubic bones is one finger width or less. The vent of a non-layer is usually small, puckered, and round.

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