How Can I Get My Drake To Accept The New Ducklings? HELP!!


Kiss My Grits...
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
May 19, 2008
Western MA
Hes like a year old and very dominant. He lives with my geese, they are best buddies...he even is dominant over my gander...

He also attacks my PB pigs when they are in the yard..(the pigs run from him..but sometimes Hammie will turn around and nip at him..i'm afraid the duck is going to get hurt some day if he keeps pushing Hammie..)
He also attacks my husband... he latches on to his jeans or shoe lace or sock (whatever he can grab!..) and hubby just drags him all around the yard doing his work like nothing
... Its crazy to watch..this duck has a grip like pitt bull!

He dosent go after me too often though because i chase him and make him back off.
So,,anyways.. i have 10 ducklings that he keeps bullying.. they technically arent "babies" anymore...they are almost all feathered in and almost as big as he is already..but they are still babies..still learning the ropes..
...but if he sees them near a pool he chases them off, so they cant even swim!... if he sees them eating he chases them off the he wouldnt even let them come out of their house...if they came outside he chased them back inside....
So then i start to chase HIM to try to catch him , so the little ones could at least come outside today..... which then gets the geese mad to me for going after thier "buddy"..and my gander startes attacking ME...
Were ALL running around in circles trying to catch each other....the drake after the after the drake...the goose after me!...Never a dull moment here..
and the poor little ducks are just terrified with all the craziness going on...
So..what CAN i do with this drake!!! I wont kill him... and i cant find a home for him...

Any ideas??
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Separate them.

What kind of drake?
Spring is in the air and once he realizes there are "dates" to be had, he will be more accepting. Or wait til fall when the hormones die down.
Hes a crested blue swede..
Yeah..i guess that i'll have to pen him up... I just feel bad doing that. But he cant keep tormenting those babies...
I have the same problem with one of my drakes. An Appleyard/Khaki cross. He is a menace. I've tried it all and the only thing you can do is pen him up or put him in the stew pot. I chose to pen mine and only let him out when I'm outside because I couldn't stand the thought of the stew pot. We hatched him ourselves and it's tough to make that choice. At one point I was even sitting outside to do my work every day so he wouldn't have to be penned up. Well it's just too hot for that now. I really thought that he would eventually get it. But uh... no. He's still stupid. I don't have any babies right now, but he attacks every duck I have, when he's out, except the 2 muscovies he was raised with. I feel bad for him because he is penned up a lot and the stew pot is sounding better and better.
LOL..yeah..its so hard! I have a small yard so basically all my critters HAVE to at least semi-get along...
If i have a rogue one it causes all kinds of havoc here..

The thing is, he was GREAT with my other flock of ducks that i had... its just these new ones that he dosent like..well..and my husband and my pigs.. and...

Hes a tough little cookie, hed be great for protecting the flock if he would just get over himself.....hopefully someday...
LOL I have 260 acres, the animals are ranging around maybe 5 of those, and my menace is still a pain in the grass. Sometimes I really wish I was the type of person who could put him in the stew pot... but ugh.. I'm not, and my husband only SAYS he is, but obviously he's not either...So we just keep dealing with him.

Here's the big dummy here:
I've actually had luck with the chasing method.
I've got four 8-wk-old babies that have been out with the rest of the flock since they were a month old. Our pekin drake was possessive of his girls, I guess, and would actually attack the babies, but every time he went after them I would chase him around. Now, even though he'll chase them away from the pool or pond occasionally (I'm sure he's always going to be the dominant one), they will mill around together on a bug search and I've seen them resting together so they all seem to be developing a mutual respect. The babies have learned I'm their protector and whenever I come outside they'll head to the pool or pond because they know I won't let Splash near them and he will keep his distance with me around.

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