How Can I Get Rid Of Roaches?

I have an infestation of german roaches in the coops. They nest behind the highest boards where neither I nor the chickens can reach them. At night they come out by the hundreds, but the silkies have all bedded down for the night and they won't go chase and eat them. They'll eat them in the daytime if they can catch them, but most don't come out in the daylight. I have sevin dust in the coops but that doesn't faze them.

What can I use to kill the roaches that won't harm the silkies?

If the roaches eat poison, will it make the chickens sick if they eat them?

I don't know what to do and am at wit's end. They're coming into my house now too, around the sliding glass door and baseboards on the outside wall nearest the coops. I can't use any aerosol spray because of my birds delicate respiratory systems (I have finches, eclectus and 3 cockatoos indoors. The silkie chickens are outdoors in coops on my deck.)

The pest control company said they have a gel they use for bait all over the house. It makes the roaches eat each other (YEA!) Does anyone know what this chemical is and does it put my parrots or chickens at risk? The pest control folks don't know 'diddly-squat' about birds and what might harm them.

Can anyone help me with a 'safe' treatment for these invaders?

I read some where to put beer in something but I'd put it to where the chickens couldn't get at it. I was going to try this myself for those old big woods roaches.
Lucky! I wish I had roaches in my coop! With more free feed from thin air like that, I wouldn't have to feed the chickens as much...
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DE doesn't seem to be as effective as everyone praises for us. I've been dusting it regularly, almost weekly everywhere with no effect on ants or spiders. Today I saw a roach crawling in the coop.My chickens are 10 weeks old and somehow don't seem interested in ants. I really hope they eat the roaches.
Best way to get rid of roaches is to move to a different part of the country
i use kosher salt. it wont harm my inside birds so i assume wont kill the chickens. i realize too much salt is not good for the girls and have no roaches anymore inside and no coop outside to test. the salt crystals are large enough to puncture the roaches and kill them and/or if they try eating or carry back to the nest it will cause dehydration and kill them. last year i was infested and this year not a roach to be seen. this is my very first year raising chickens.

I have a roach problem in my garage. I am solving it by setting traps that keeps the roaches alive and then feeding them to my chickens in the morning. Here is my post about it on reddit's backyard chicken community.


Seems like you could set something similar inside the chicken coop at night. I'm finding after a couple of weeks of doing this, the roach population I'm having a problem with has been seriously reduced.
We have a very large chicken coop and run.. My husband went out the other night and discovered that we have 10s 0f thousands of roaches running around after dark and eating the chicken feed.. Today we bought some Sevin dust 5%. I am afraid if we dust the coop the roaches (3 or 4 different kinds of them will run toward the house.. We do not have them in the house. I'm hoping you can tell me what to spray around the house to make a barrier of protection.. Also is 5% strong enough? We do not want to hurt our chickens.. Oh, we will so very much be thankful if you answer this..... Ladyinthecoop
You should set live roach traps that capture them little ******** over night. Put feed in glass jars, make little walkways to the the opening of them and catch them. If you're talking about thousands of roaches, you'll be catching sh*tload every night. Then in the morning, your chicken have a delicious protein treat. Kill two birds with one stone!

I had a similar problem last year and this was a great solution for me.
Please help! We just noticed that we have thousands of roaches (3 or 4 different kinds) in our chicken coop.. We bought some 5% Sevin dust. Should we use 10% instead? Also we do not have roaches in our house. We would like to put up a barrier around the house, before we try to kill the roaches. Do you know of any product we can use that would keep them out of the house. Will maxf0rce hurt the chickens? Will Sevin Dust work by itself to eradicate all the roaches? Sorry I have so many questions.. I hate roaches, I'm upset just knowing we have to fight them.. Your help would be much appreciated.. Thank You so much

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