How can i keep my ducks safe?


13 Years
Jun 7, 2010
Lost all my hens to the fox yesterday. The fox was seen next door during the night. Was talking to a fellow today who said there was nothing I could do he would come back for the ducks and keep coming They are in a wooden shed 100yrds from my bedroom. I'm scared to sleep incase I lose the ducks. The doors are bolted can the fox climb. Will it keep coming until it gets them? Can someone advise me????

The ducks are in the shed at night and come out into the run in the daytime. Stompy is getting bored as they usually get to wander about the yard in the sun. But since the attack they have been locked up as I'm scared to take my eyes off them. He is very protective of jermima. oes x

A relative of mine has lost birds to coyotes, eagles, raccoons, neighborhood dogs, the road, and one of his pullets was picked up by a hawk, but she survived that. My birds are confined, and so far I have lost none to predators. (Knock on wood.)
I have also lost many chickens due to a fox. Only thing that has worked to keep the fox away is electric poultry netting I got from Premier 1.
Lost all my hens to the fox yesterday. The fox was seen next door during the night. Was talking to a fellow today who said there was nothing I could do he would come back for the ducks and keep coming They are in a wooden shed 100yrds from my bedroom. I'm scared to sleep incase I lose the ducks. The doors are bolted can the fox climb. Will it keep coming until it gets them? Can someone advise me????
Are the ducks locked in a coop at night? Where are they in the daytime? Even if you free range, right now they should not be out at all.
Wow what sweet duckies you have!! I have no experience with fox, but we have coyotes.they are always getting a chicken or duck here and there and it is so sad. I only let mine out in the yard when I am outside then I chase them back in the run when I go inside, ducks at least are easier to chase in then chickens. I shut up the coop every night so nothing can get in or out. We have a large run that they stay in when I am not home but it has no roof just a 6 foot fence with 3 feet of chicken wire folded along the ground as well to prevent digging under. Not sure if a fox could climb the 6 feet but maybe. Idk if any of this helps. Sorry about your chickens that is a very sad experience to go through.
We gave had birds here fir nearly 13 years and never had any issues. Weve had loads of babies over the years and lost none to preditors. The fox can climb. So an open top here is not possible.
Our hens were the other side of the big shed with an enclosure like the ducks have. The neighbour's shed butts up to the fence the other side so it felt very safe. But the fox got under the shed and there was a space between the fence and flags at the base of the run. The girls had been making dust baths. I had not given it a thought. I put them in every night but the door had recently broken so the coop had a temporary one on. The fox tore it off. The girls didn't stand a chance. My heart breaks and it's even worse because I couldn't find Gwendoline but betsy and marigold were left. It was a mess but I cuddled what I found it was so upsetting. I have had meat birds grown from the eggs hubby has killed them and I've processed them. We have a rule if you lay you stay crow you go. As were in an area that won't let us keep the roosters. So even after that were both still devastated and in tears over the loss. It's not just that our little friends are gone, so has our main source of eggs and also fertiliser for the garden. So a big loss all round. :he
We gave had birds here fir nearly 13 years and never had any issues. Weve had loads of babies over the years and lost none to preditors. The fox can climb. So an open top here is not possible.
Our hens were the other side of the big shed with an enclosure like the ducks have. The neighbour's shed butts up to the fence the other side so it felt very safe. But the fox got under the shed and there was a space between the fence and flags at the base of the run. The girls had been making dust baths. I had not given it a thought. I put them in every night but the door had recently broken so the coop had a temporary one on. The fox tore it off. The girls didn't stand a chance. My heart breaks and it's even worse because I couldn't find Gwendoline but betsy and marigold were left. It was a mess but I cuddled what I found it was so upsetting. I have had meat birds grown from the eggs hubby has killed them and I've processed them. We have a rule if you lay you stay crow you go. As were in an area that won't let us keep the roosters. So even after that were both still devastated and in tears over the loss. It's not just that our little friends are gone, so has our main source of eggs and also fertiliser for the garden. So a big loss all round. :he
I am so sorry about your hens. I was devastated every time my relative lost one of his, I had raised them from day-olds. He had nine chickens and two ducks, sold one chicken since it was a rooster, gave one hen away because she was leading the others across the road, and he has one left. The rest were killed by predators. One of them was named Marigold, reading your post makes me sad about her all over again.

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