How can I Make My hen go Broody?

Leave a bunch if the eggs in there, then sprinkle some fresh spearmint all in the coop, and some in/next to the nest boxes. We did it and our hen went broody the next day!
I personally don't think you make a pullet or hen go broody. They either go broody on their own or don't. There are some that are more prone to go broody than others. Currently I have about 4 hens that want to sit but every day when I go out to collect the eggs I take them out of the nest boxes. I think when people do things to make their birds go broody it is just luck and the birds just happen to go broody at the time. Just my opinion.
Broody is a hormone thingy. Until Mother Nature says SET, a hen just layseggs until she has reached her "clutch" number of eggs, and that, too is individual with each hen. Some hens will set several times a year. Leaving an egg in the nest is fine, if you want to (or a golf ball or glass or wooden egg.) But it won't MAKE her set. Gather the hen's egg every day, date them in pencil, so you can put the freshest ones under her when she does SET. Eat her eggs that you save, rather than let them get over 2 weeks old before putting them under her, when she does SET. Don't need to waste any eggs. Yes, purely good luck and timing was right, when all the things done to "make" a hen set seem to work. Just be patient, have some fresh eggs for her when the time is right. And if you do not want her to SET==breaking her of her broodiness is also turning OFF the hormones that would keep her going for 21 days, with eggs, and knowing how to take care of chicks! Instinct and hormonesfor her, patience for us.
I have 5 silkies and none broody, I have 15 reds none broody, I have 12 foghorns, none broody, I have 3 bantams, all broody, they even hatch my turkey and duck eggs, waiting for the geese to lay and see how that works, hope that helped
have thought about hatching my own eggs, but always 'chicken out'.
(lol) But do you do after they hatch themselves, who will mother them and wont the other hens pick on them?
I don't know where I heard this from. It might have even been on this site. Does mint make a hen go broody? I hope it does cause I went and bought some for my silkie today.
I don't know where I heard this from. It might have even been on this site. Does mint make a hen go broody? I hope it does cause I went and bought some for my silkie today.

Sorry to disappoint you but that's a myth. Only nature will make your girl go broody. Silkies are broody by nature but maybe she is just not feeling it yet. I have a couple of my Rhode Island Reds thinking about it. They are not quite serious yet.
[COLOR=0000FF]the trick to getting a hen to go broody is not wanting them too... When you feed today go out and have a talk with the ladies..... tell them it is winter and you don't want baby chicks running around.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000FF]every hen/pullet will be sitting tomorrow[/COLOR]

Thank you for the laugh! I placed more eggs in the nest, (real ones because I don't have any fakes), and if that doesn't work I'm taking your advice! Haha

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