how can I tell if my button quail is male or female?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 3, 2013
jacksonville. fl
hi everyone! This is my first post! Yay! Ok now back on track. I have a silver button quail that I am not sure is male or female... the salesman said it is female.. but just to double check. What I found was awakward was that it had a white bib... and I thought the bibs are what distinguish them apart... (so confused) and I don't know how old they are.. please if anyone can help please post or pm me I would gladly appriciate it. Thanks :D
Greetings from Kansas and
! Pleased to have you with us. I have no clue on quail so I won't even guess. But the folks in the link below might have a better idea. Good luck to you!
Hello and welcome from glad you joined BYC

Hope you find out what sex your little quail is. Meanwhile enjoy the site
I have the same thing. The salesperson told me they are a pair but I'm not sure because not all silver quails have bibs.

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