How can I tell if my hen is pregnant?

I was teaching a robot class and an old electrician said, "wait a minute, I've been an electrician a long time and" (pointing at his head) he continued, "I have a lot of stuff up here, before I can let something new in, I have to let something out."

I hope my brain doesn't work like that.
You teach a chicken class? :pop
Yes, several for almost 10 years. Mostly at area community colleges but also places like the humane society, Missouri Botanical Garden, Gateway Greening and other green venues. I've taught classes for city councils who were preparing to consider allowing chickens in their community. I also presented a seminar entitled 'Starting Right in Heritage Poultry' to farmers at the Midwest Heritage Poultry Conference.
Yeah, I want to take a chicken class. What do you teach in chicken class?
At the community colleges they are broken down into beginner and advanced classes.
The beginner class is primarily about nutrition, housing, anatomy, rearing, predation, types of equipment, a bit on disease, breed selection, where to acquire birds, hot and cold weather concerns, ordinances, etc.
This is from the course catalog.
The next classes will be in the spring semester.
Backyard Chickens for the Beginner Have you thought about keeping chickens in your city or suburban backyard? There’s a lot to find out about before you get started. Learn about local ordinances and where to find more information for the area where you live. You’ll also hear about the benefits of keeping chickens, appropriate housing and feeding and different ways of keeping your chickens healthy and happy. Instructor has years of personal and professional experience and is an enthusiastic and knowledgeable, healthy chicken-farmer! Bring a sack lunch to class. Course meets the curriculum requirements for the Master Naturalist program. ECOL:705 | 1 session | $23 AGE 60+ | $35 REG P02 Sa 10 am-2 pm

March 16 MC - SW, 105

Backyard Chickens: Advanced

Bring your questions to class! This session is for individuals who have been keeping chickens for a while and are looking for answers to their specific questions and an overview for more in-depth information on the following topics: diseases, parasites and treatments; chicken anatomy and egg development; incubation and broody hatching; culling and processing; breed characteristics, showing, and judging for standards of perfection, supporting heritage breeds; and changing ordinances. This is an intermediate level class and will not include introductory information covered in previous class: Backyard Chickens for the Beginner. Course meets the curriculum requirements for the Master Naturalist program.

ECOL:705 | 1 session | $19 AGE 60+ | $25 REG P01 Sa 10 am-1 pm

March 30 MC - SW, 108
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"But wait, there's more"? Can I get a second one for free if I just pay a separate extra fee? :lau
If Youtube came out 20 years sooner I would actually have made a infomercial like that. I lack the desire and enthusiasm for such projects now. maybe someone will copy your idea and make a funny video. Your post made me burst out laughing.

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