How can you tell if its bumble foot when they have black feet???


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 19, 2011
Eastern Nebraska
My silkie rooster is limping on his right foot. We caught him today and looked at it. I can't see anything that resembles bumble foot on here but his feet are black (being a black silkie). It does have a hard area in the center of the foot and the other foot is flat in the same area. I just hate to see the poor thing limping all of the time.

Any advice would certainly help. I don't have another cage to put him in to "rest" his foot as we also have a broody hen sitting on an egg at the moment...... If it is bumble foot what happens if it is not treated right away?

A pic would help. If bumblefoot goes untreated, staph infection works its way to the legbone, then it's usually too late. The infection then quickly spreads throughout their system ending in death. Is it possible your silkie jumped down from a high roost or other high place and sprained/pulled a tendon or ligament? If that's the case, keeping him in a cage/crate for about 5 days for rest and relaxation is your best bet in order for the injury to heal. Letting him walk around will further injure the leg and might require longer time to heal, or never heal. These types of injuries require time to heal.
You can still see bumble foot on on black skin. My silkie roo had the beginnings of it and it was quite obvious still.
Ok, I took a picture of my silkie's foot, its just a little dirty but didn't want to wash it due to it being winter an all.
The center pad looks swollen to me and it feels as there is a pretty firm bump in there. Let me know what you think.

As dawg53 said, I don't see the black scab on the foot pad that usually means it is bumblefoot.

I would give him a rest too but if you don't have the cages then just observe. I have observed bumblefoot because it wasn't swollen and the scab was very small before.

Swollen worries me.

I would watch his foot carefully and IF it starts looking worse you might need to get him a cage somehow/ consider opening it up.

This is a judgement call. I am not thinking you should open it up now AT ALL. But as dawg53 said these infections of the foot can go right into the bone if they get bad.


I say monitor monitor monitor the situation carefully.

Keep us updated. Here is a handy thread for if you need it:
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The foot in the picture is the right foot. His left foot is fine. he sometimes even hops on his left foot holding the right foot up. Will try to get a picture of the leg and post it too.
Thanks.. I appreciate the replies.
I edited my post above.

Also, I would like to mention that injuries can cause swelling. Once I had a Wellie who hurt her toe on fencing whilst standing on the log pile. My DS found her hanging by her foot.

So, observation will help a lot to see if this is an injury or a developing bumblefoot.
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Ok, here are two pictures of Wasabi's leg. It's getting to be dusk here so my flash went off. I'm wondering if maybe its just the dried mud or poo on his foot that may be causing a problem. But here are the pictures.




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