How chicken are you?

I have a phobia of spending more money than I have to. I would cut the light off especially if it was not deep cycle. I would have to check to make sure no one was stealing my stuff anyway. I would have locked my door on the way out incase the tractor light was cut on as a diversion. I would be armed just in case.
I walk around outside at night all the time. In our yard/ neighborhood now, but I did it as a kid on the farm, too. Mom didn't like it, but I did!

When I lived on the farm with Mom & Daddy we had big hound dogs, too. They weren't right with you when you walked, but they were nearby and good indicators of friend or foe.

When I lived in the city and started to be scared of walking around at night I got mad at myself and made myself walk around just to prove a point. All alone, no dog then

Yes, fog can get scary. So can storms. But I'm glad you turned off those tractor lights. It's important to conquer fear. But I'd still have had a big stick and a bigger dog with me... Just in case!
Although I KNOW that it is safer out here than it is in the IS still darker. I mean when you go out into the night - it swallows you. I can't imagine in a fog. Ugh!

We rarely get those...and when we do, it's usually in the morn.

(Yes...I can be a big wuss!)

I've made a habit of putting a walking cane by the door (just in case I may need know to keep me from tripping or losing my balance as I walk? LOL!) I guess I would have grabbed the cane and gone out...

I usually swing it around in front of me to make as MUCH noise as I possible. I figure if something is out there, (We have tall grass) I want to scare it, BEFORE it scares me...

Then...on the way back home, I don't dare look back! I just run like heck! You would think something--was right there--reaching to grab my shoulder.

UGH! I want to RUN NOW!
Definitely depends on my mood. I can be the biggest chicken on Earth but I can also be in a "make my day" mood and be daring someone to make it.
If I had been scared already, I'd have called the Sherriff's department to come and check it out for me.
If I hadn't been scared first, I'd have been cussing about the lights being on and having to go and turn them off to save the battery.
Hmmm, thats a tough one. I can spook myself...almost to the point of running into a closet.
Altho I am very scared of tight places. More than likely, I would have grabbed the Doberman, and the gun, and went out there with a flashlight. Mostly because I would have thought there were kids out there playing a prank, or trying to steal the tractor...However....some days, or nights really, I would have sat there stareing at those lights, like they were begging me to come out there..and be swallowed by the fog. I would have probably called the sherriff!
Okay, how thick was the fog? How far was the tractor from the house? Does the tractor get used that often to make a difference? How close is the nearest neighbor? How long does it take for the sheriff to show up? Is my cell phone charged? You have to ask yourself these questions before you go screaming into the night!!!

It would depend on what kind of day I had. A bad day would be "make my day"
I don't let body parts hang off the side of the bed

LOL missprissy I thought I was the only one with a boogie man under my bed LOL
LOL missprissy I thought I was the only one with a boogie man under my bed LOL

You should have a cat. Cats eat boogie men. The ones under the bed, the ones in the closet, and also any spooky things that might come wandering in get chased away. That's what I told my daughters when they were young. We all sleep very well
It was worse as a child. My husband thinks is laughable/ridiculous/unrational/etc/blah/blah/blah. He has even scolded my daughter about her fear of being in dark places alone at night. You can bet that lead balloon didn't fly. He knows now not to say a word. This is something she and I have to work through alone and together.
LOL missprissy I thought I was the only one with a boogie man under my bed LOL

Count me in too!

The bathroom door is 2 feet away from my bedroom door, but I have to turn the hall light on to get there. My siblings made me watch way too many horror movies as a child, and it has stuck. Im not really scared to go outside when its dark at my grandma's house. She lives in the country, and that is where my chickens are. When you go outside there, you always see owls and all kinds of cool things. Im not too good at going outside here in the city though, its too creepy.

I love fog, but if It was me lookin at headlights pointing towards my house, I wouldnt even wait to figure out it was the tractor! I'd be inside, doors locked, lights off and calling the cops,lol. Pretty sad since Im a guy.
I think you are pretty brave, but then again, I wouldnt want to spend the extra money either. Luckily I still live with my parents, so I'd drag one of them outside with me. In your situation, it would be hard to get me outside.

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