How cold can my ducks and chickens get?


5 Years
Apr 27, 2015
Northern California
My two peckin female ducks share a coop with my 9 chickens. They are all locked up in their coop at night together. It's been getting to about 35 degrees at night so far. I have three RIRs, two americanas, three sex links and one leghorn. I have a red heat lamp in the coop but I'm not sure when to turn it on and if the ducks require the same heat. I have no way to separate them. We bought them all together at the same time. I'm just not sure if they are warm enough and want to make sure everyone is happy.
Your chickens are cold hardy varieties. They should not need supplemental heat at least to the teens,, Talking degrees Fahrenheit. Your ducks are cold hardy even more. The most important part of winter keeping is ventilation. Read up on this subject and inform self.... There are numerous threads on that subject here on BYC. Remember to provide liquid water during cold for them to drink.. You may consider a water warmer. There are threads discussing those as well. Most important is food and nutrition. Your chickens do need to be fed well so they will have calories to turn into body heat.... Same for your ducks.

If they have all of their feathers, they should be fine. The last time I heated my coop was when the wind chill was about -10 degrees. Unless there are extreme temps, I wouldn't worry too much about heating (especially with your ducks, most of mine love the snow and prefer to stay out in it anyway, for some reason.) As cavemanrich said, feed properly so they have plenty of calories for body heat. The major pain in the butt is keeping the water thawed. Also, if it gets colder, keep an eye on your Leghorn's comb. Larger combs are more prone to frostbite. And of course....

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